The Post Graduate Research Committee under the aegis of the Research Cell has been conducting workshops for enhancing quality outcome from Post Graduate dissertation. The committee conducts protocol writing workshop for first year Post Graduates; Data Management and ethics workshop for second year post graduates; and Manuscript writing workshop for final year post graduates. In addition to constant guidance from the departmental guides and co-guides, these planned workshops provide encouragement to the post graduates to pursue their dissertation work in the department. Besides the committee also encourages and supports post graduates to improve the quality of the protocol to apply for funding to agencies like Indian council for Medical Research.
We take regular feedback from the post graduates and tailor the workshops as per their needs, this has made it interesting for them and ensured good participation in the hands on workshop. The constructive feedback from the participants has led to improvisation of the sessions in the due course of time.
Future plans:
1. PG DISSERTATION: Complete guidance and support for all PG students starting from protocol writing till it gets published in a reputed journal (Preferably in Scopus/PubMed indexed database) with good impact factor.
2. To monitor and supervise the PG activities: Requested to Create individual PG Thesis Digital Progress Card/Report from each Dept. Involvement of guides for ensuring timely progress by creating DIGITAL PROGRESS REPORT CARD for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of Post-graduation. It helps us in fostering PG activities and timeline of submission.
3. We have set a goal of increasing 25-50% of publication (TBD)
4. To authorize PG research committee to issue NOC for all 3rd year PG students. This NOC will be issued after the digital report card submission; reviewed by both guide and PG candidate. It will help in fostering the stricter manuscript submission/acceptance/publication data in order to reduce the publication and thesis mismatch.
5. Periodical statistical consultation based on the needs of 1st -3rd year PG students
6. At least one lecture/speaker engagement with PG candidates related to the PG Research conducted either online/offline. Speakers will be from inside or outside MAHE.
7. Felicitate the PG candidates by awarding the best top three thesis publications