Dr Anup Naha


Date of Joining : 01.10.2007

Department of Pharmaceutics


    Anup Naha is Additional Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics at MCOPS and Coordinator, Centre for Pharmaceutical Skill Development, MAHE

    He is

    • Currently responsible for theory and practical classes in Pharmaceutical Engineering, and Cosmetic Science and Practise School for BPharm Students, Modern Pharmaceutics and Cosmetics & Cosmeceuticals for MPharm Students
    • Guide for MPharm Part II students research work
    • Secretary, Council for Internationalization, MCOPS
    • Member of Academic Development Council, MCOPS
    • Project Mentor for IAESTE India, AIESEC, IPSF international  student exchange program
    • Responsible for ISO, NAAC, NBA documentation work 


Subject Semester / Year
Pharmaceutical Engineering (Theory) BPharm Sem-III
Pharmaceutical Engineering (Practical) BPharm Sem-III
Cosmetic Science (Theory) BPharm Sem-VIII
Modern Pharmaceutics MPharm Pharmaceutics Semester - I
Pharmaceutics Practical I MPharm Pharmaceutics Semester - I
Cosmetic and Cosmeceuticals MPharm Pharmaceutics Semester - II
Pharmaceutics Practical II MPharm Pharmaceutics Semester - II


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
PhD Pharmaceutics Manipal Academy of Higher Education 2012
MBA Sikkim Manipal Academy of Higher Education 2011
MPharm Pharmaceutics Manipal Academy of Higher Education 2006


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Department of Pharmaceutics, MCOPS Additional Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics, MCOPS Associate Professor 2023
Department of Pharmaceutics, MCOPS Assistant Professor –Selection Grade 2017

Hydrogen Ion Pairing based Drug delivery – Thamizharasan- ICMR project (Ongoing)


Area of Interest

Novel Drug Delivery System, Problem Based Learning, Skill Development

Area of Expertise

Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery, Liquid Crystals, Antidoping, Skill Development

Area of Research

Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery, Liquid Crystals, Antidoping, Skill Development

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Life Member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association.
  • Life Member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI).
  • Life Member of Association of Community Pharmacists of India.
  • Life Member of Kautilya Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research.
  • Life Member of Drug Delivery Association.
  • Member of Junior Chamber International, India.

Work Experience

Organisation Role Tenure
Abbott India Limited, Verna, Goa Development Officer Involved with formulation development of various drugs, technology transfer, third party manufacturing approvals & vendor development Jan 2007 – Sep 2007

Job skill assessment of pharmacy students in South Karnataka: A cross-sectional study.

Shanthi Lysetty Anup Naha Usha Yogendra Nayak Virendra Ligade Bhavana B Bhat Usha Rani

Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 13(07), 102-108

Advancing posaconazole quantification analysis with a new reverse-phase HPLC method in its bulk and marketed dosage form.

Annamalai Rama Induja Govindan Srinivas Hebbar Abhishek Chaturvedi Usha Rani Anup Naha

F1000 Research, 2023

The purview of doped nanoparticles: Insights into their biomedical applications.

Raghavendra U Annamalai Rama Induja G Anup Naha

OpenNano. 8, 1-18

A descriptive cross-sectional study of knowledge of doping at grassroot level in India.

Sivakumar Kannan Anup Naha Robindra Ramnarine Singh Punit Bansal Vinod C Nayak Sandeep Goud Usha Rani

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 14(12), 6587-6591

Bioavailability Enhancement of Candesartan Cilexetil by Solid dispersions and Nanocrystals

P Sai Kiran

PG Project (2014)

Development of orally disintegrating tablets (ODT) for antihistamine

Sunil P

PG Project (2014)

Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery System of Candesartan Cilexetil

Ikya Rai

PG Project (2015)

Design, development & evaluation of modified release tablets of model drug

Dinesh Joshi

PG Project (2015)

Formulation and Evaluation of Ibuprofen Transdermal Patch

Harsha Srivastava

PG Project (2015)

Compilation and Differential Analysis of Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product

Kasaiah Valaparla

PG Project (2015)

Formulation And Optimization of Extended Release Capsules of A Cardiovascular Drug

Nuthi Omkar Srinivas

PG project (2016)

Optimization Of Regulatory Information System

Kanhegaonkar Sayali Chandrakant

PG project (2016)