Dr. Preeti Hebbar

Assistant Professor , Department of Biotechnology

Supporting department

Qualification: Ph.D.


    1. Teaching Biology for Engineers (BIO1071) and Communication Skills in English(HUM_1071)
    2. Writing grants and doing research on Biodiversity and Conservation
    3. No of Grants and Patents (Granted and Published) :3


Area of Expertise

Ecology and Evolution, Biodiversity and Conservation

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

Research Awards:

1. INSPIRE Faculty award from Department of Science and Technology, India for studying Ecology and population genetics of Nyctibatrachus frogs from Western Ghats. (1,11,42,548 INR). 2018-2023.

2. Programme de bourses d'excellence pour étudiants étrangers (PBEEE) short   term scholarship, Canada: $12,000 (May-August 2018). 

3. Rufford small grant for studying Ecological assessment and conservation   education on amphibians from Kodagu region of Western Ghats, India (5000£) 2017-2018.

4. Small grant from Madras Crocodile Bank trust for studying ecology and distribution of tadpoles of tropical stream dwelling anuran amphibians in Myristica swamp (1,65,000 INR), 2012-2013.

Travel awards

 1. Landscape Genetics: DGS synthesis meeting, University of Idaho, June 2022

2. Science Research Engineering Board (SERB) International Travel Support (ITS) Grant, for attending Workshop on Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, New South Wales, Australia, August 2019. 

3. Royal Norwegian Embassy (RNE) partial travel grant for attending Genomics workshop, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, January 2017.

4. World Congress of Herpetology partial scholarship for attending 8th World Congress of Herpetology Conference, China, August 2016.

5. Centre for International Co-operation in Science (CICS) Travel Support fellowship for attending 8th World Congress of Herpetology, 2016.

6. Conservation Asia Scholarship for attending Conservation Asia Conference, Singapore, June 2016.

7. Edda Sehgal Award for Conference Travel for attending Conservation Asia Conference, Singapore, 2016.

8. Asian Graduate Scholarship Award for attending Society of Conservation Biology Asia Conference, Malaysia, 2014.

9. Edda Sehgal Award for Conference Travel for attending Society of Conservation Biology Asia Conference, Malaysia, 2014.


  • Scopus Link:- Dr. Preeti Hebbar
  • Google Scholar Link:- Dr. Preeti Hebbar
  • ORCID ID:- 0000-0002-4526-139X