PVC - Message

At MAHE, I head the portals of management, law, humanities and social sciences.

As a parent trying to have his own boys become responsible global citizens through education, I can put myself in the shoes of those who see MAHE as the medium that will ensure the wholesome growth of their wards.

I can appreciate their efforts and very clearly understand why they have their unique set of expectations from universities such as MAHE.

Particularly to students who are here, I have to assure them that they are in touch with a person who will be a student throughout his life. Therefore, the empathy is more. The concern is higher. The choice is richer. And the commitment is deeper.

The MAHE ecosystem too is primed and prepared to help you build your innings as a student or scholar. We will help you choose the right course. We will support you to stick to it and make it a perennial grist to the mill of your life. We will ensure it will make you a better practitioner and professional in your field but, more importantly, a better human being. We will eventually take pride that you will always go by the epithet humane.

Once you get in, the ecosystem will expect you to be, well, studious. MAHE’s academic rigour is famous as it is effective. Whether it is management, law, humanities or social sciences, the course design and delivery systems always have kept the study and evaluation process concurrent and cogent.  

And whether they are your parents, sponsors or recruiters, the assurance about you to them will be that of an indubitable degree holder who can become useful to their schemes the day you graduate. So high will be your relevance. So valued will be your scholarship.
One very important reason for your high value is MAHE’s insistence that its affiliation and accreditation requirements are not just met but consistently exceeded. Another reason is that your growth in MAHE will be free from the cocoon effect. Throughout your time in MAHE, you will be kept abreast of the events, trends and requirements of the real world through assignments and projects that will hone the skills and application of those skills you imbibed.

At MAHE, you will have the options, freedom and resources to become a better version of yourself on a daily basis. The well-appointed campuses, the extra-mural activities, the personality development programs, the curated learning ambience – all of them will lead you to the high aims you have set yourself.

You should congratulate yourself if you get into MAHE. But remember, your peers, colleagues and mates will be congratulating themselves too. Expect competition, the best of it! But never be afraid. You will always be made to remember that you belong to MAHE!

That’s enough assurance to last a lifetime for a confident, responsible and consequential person and professional who once was a MAHE student!

PVC Profile