Madhu Veeraraghavan
Pro Vice Chancellor [MAHE, Bangalore Campus]
Professor Veeraraghavan has published over 50 papers in international journals and has presented his work in top conferences in finance and accounting. His work has appeared in The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance and AUDITING: A Journal of Practice and Theory. His research interests are in the areas of Corporate Finance, Behavioural Finance and the interplay between Auditing and Finance.
Qualification: B.Com, MBA, Ph.D
Pro Vice Chancellor [Management, Law, Humanities and Social Sciences, MAHE, Manipal]
Pro Vice Chancellor [MAHE, Bangalore Campus]
T A Pai Chair Professor of Finance, TAPMI
Dr. T M A Pai Endowed Chair in Management Research
Date of Joining:14th Jun 2013
Subject | Semester / Year |
Behavioural Finance, Corporate Finance |
Area of Interest
Accounting, Economics and Finance
Area of Research
Asset Pricing, Behavioural Finance, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance.
Does CEO Overconfidence Affect Workplace Safety? in Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*, Scopus Q1) [With Morten Bennedsen, Copenhagen University and INSEAD.
Social Capital and the Pricing of Initial Public Offerings in Journal of Empirical Finance (ABDC A, Scopus Q1) [With Yangyang Chen, Huu Duong and Abhinav Goyal.
Featured in Sify.com – “Is WFH we trust no more”. 21.06.2023. Monthly Page Views: 317,640. https://www.sify.com/digital-transformation/in-wfh-we-trust-no-more/
Underwriting in the Australian IPO Markets: Determinants and Pricing in Australian Journal of Management (ABDC A, Scopus Q2) [With Alastair Marsden, Zoltan Murgulov, Ghon Rhee]
Societal Secrecy and IPO Underpricing in Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*), 76 [with Yangyang Chen, Andy Chui and Abhinav Goyal]
CEO Risk-taking and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Pilot CEOs in Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*), 76 [with Ghasan Baghdadi and Edward Podolski]
Democracy and the pricing of initial public offerings around the world in Journal of Financial Economics (ABDC A*), 145 (1), 322-341 [with Huu Duong, Abhinav Goyal and Vasileios Kallinterakis]
Emotions and Managerial Judgment: Evidence from Sunshine Exposure forthcoming in The Accounting Review (ABDC A*) [with Chen Chen, Yangyang Chen, Jeff Pittman and Edward Podolski]
Market Manipulation Rules and IPO Underpricing in Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*) [with Huu Duong, Abhinav Goyal and Vasileios Kallinterakis]
Featured in Forbes.com – Does Exposure to More Sunshine Affect Managers’ Decisions? June 7, 2021
Interview by ABC Radio, The Money Show by Richard Aedy on June 3, 2021
Featured in The Fin Reg Blog, Global Financial Markets Center, Duke University School of Law on July 23, 2021
Mood and Ethical Decision Making: Positive Affect and Corporate Philanthropyin Journal of Business Ethics (ABDC A and FT-50), 171(1), 189-208 [With Don O’Sullivan, Leon Zolotoy, Myeong-Gu Seo]
Media Coverage and IPO Pricing Around the World, in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. (ABDC A*), 55(5), 1515-1553. [With Abhinav Goyal, Leon Zolotoy and Yangyang Chen]
Terrorist Attacks, Investor Sentiment and the Pricing of Initial Public Offerings in Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*) [ with Yangyang Chen, Abhinav Goyal and Leon Zolotoy.]
- The Role of Affect in Shaping the Behavioral Consequences of CEO Option Incentives, in Journal of Management. (ABDC A*), 45(7), 2920-2951. [With Don O’Sullivan, Geoff Martin and Leon Zolotoy]
- Venture-Capital Backed and Commitments Test Entity: Initial Public Offerings on the ASX, in Accounting and Finance (ABDC A) 59 (2), 1265-1297. [with Zoltan Murgulov, Alastair Marsden and Ghon Rhee]
Trade-Based Manipulation: Beyond the Prosecuted Cases, in Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*) 42, 115-130 [With Suman Neupane, Ghon Rhee and Kuluru Vithanage]
Does High Quality Auditing Mitigate or Encourage Private Information Collection? in Contemporary Accounting Research (ABDC A*) 34(3), 1622-1648 [with Yangyang Chen, Bin Srinidhi and Shibley Sadique]
National Culture and Corporate Innovation, in Pacific Basin Finance Journal (ABDC A) 43, 173-187 [with Yangyang Chen and Edward Podolski]
Do Progressive Social Norms Affect Economic Outcomes? Evidence from Corporate Takeovers, in Journal of Empirical Finance (ABDC A) 41, 76-95 [with Yangyang Chen, Edward Podoloski and Ghon S. Rhee]
Board Independence and Internal Control Weakness: Evidence from SOX 404 Disclosures, in AUDITING: A Journal of Practice and Theory (ABDC A*) 36(2), 45-62 [With Yangyang Chen, Robert Knechel, Vijay Marisetty and Cameron Truong]
Cash Holdings and Bond Returns around Takeovers, in International Review of Financial Analysis (ABDC A) 46, 1-11 [with Edward Podolski and Cameron Truong]
Auditor Client Specific Knowledge and Internal Control Weaknesses: Some Evidence on the Role of Auditor Tenure and Geographic Distance, in Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (ABDC A) 12, 121-140 [with Yangyang Chen, Ferdinand Gul and Cameron Truong]
Religious Beliefs and Local Government Financing, Investments and Cash Holding Decisions, in Journal of Empirical Finance (ABDC A) 38, 258-271 [with Yangyang Chen, Zoltan Murgulov and Ghon S. Rhee]
Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance and the Profitability of Momentum Strategies in International Markets, in Contemporary Accounting Research (ABDC A*) 33(2), 851-881 [with Paul Dou and Cameron Truong]
Factors affecting the Birth and Fund-Flows of Commodity Trading Advisors, in Australian Journal of Management (ABDC A) 41(2), 324-352 [with Minh Do, Robert Faff, Paul Lajbcygier and Mikhail Tupitsyn]
Executive Equity Risk-Taking Incentives and Audit Service Pricing, forthcoming in The Accounting Review (ABDC A*) 90 (6), 2205-2234 [with Yangyang Chen, Ferdinand Gul and Leon Zolotoy]
CEO Risk-Taking Incentives Cost of Equity Capital in Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (ABDC A) 42 (7 and 8), 915-946 [with Yangyang Chen and Cameron Truong]
Does Managerial Ability Facilitate Corporate Innovative Success?, in Journal of Empirical Finance (ABDC A) 34, 313-326 [with Yangyang Chen and Edward Podolski]
Stock Liquidity and Managerial Short-termism, in Journal of Banking and Finance (ABDC A*) 60, 44-59. [with Yangyang Chen, Ghon Rhee and Leon Zolotoy]
National Culture and Cash Holdings Around the World, in Journal of Banking and Finance (ABDC A*) 50(1) 1-18 [with Yangyang Chen, Paul Dou, Ghon Rhee and Cameron Truong]
Local Gambling Preferences and Corporate Innovative Success, in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (ABDC A*) 49(1), 77-106 [with Yangyang Chen, Edward Podolski and Ghon S. Rhee]
Is the Accrual Anomaly Robust to Firm-Level Analysis? in International Review of Financial Analysis (ABDC A) 34, 157-165 [with Maria Strydom and Michael Skully]
Informed Options Trading Prior to Takeovers – Does the Regulatory Environment Matter?, in Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (ABDC A) 27, 286-305 [with Edward J. Podolski and Cameron Truong]
Soft Information and Economic Activity: Evidence from the Beige Book, in Journal of Macroeconomics (ABDC A) 37, 81-92 [with Shibley Sadique, Francis In and Paul Wachtel]
Stock Price Response to S and P 500 Additions and Deletions: Do Options Trading Volume Matter? in Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (ABDC A) 23, 379-401[with Yangyang Chen, Constantine Koutsantony and Cameron Truong]
Work Under Consideration For Publication (Revise and Resubmit)
Democracy and the Pricing of Initial Public Offerings Around the World, in Journal of Financial Economics (ABDC A*) [with Huu Duong, Abhinav Goyal and Vasileisos Kallinterakis]