Dr Arul Amuthan L
Associate Professor
Qualification: BSMS, MD (Siddha), MSc.Yoga and Naturopathy, MSc. Medical Pharmacology, Ph.D..
- Teaching Pharmacology, conducting examination and evaluating Medical, Dental and Allied Health Science students
- Co-ordinating academic activities for Medical students
- Guiding Ph.D., PG and UG students for research
- Coordinator, Division of Siddha, Centre for Integrative Medicine and Research, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
- Coordinating with National and Intentional Institutions for MoU and Collaborative research in the field of Traditional Medicine and Integrative Medicine
- Course Coordinator, PG Certificate Course in Siddha Varmam Therapy
- Coordinator, Speciality Integrative Traditional Siddha Medicine OPD (SISMO)
- Visiting Professor, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA - https://www.msm.edu/about_us/FacultyDirectory/Physiology/ArulAmuthan/index.php
Subject | Semester / Year |
Pharmaoclogy | MBBS , Phase I Stage II A |
Pharmacology | BDS, Year II |
Pharmacology | Allied Health Sciences |
Siddha Varmam Therapy | PG Certificate Course in Siddha Varmam Therapy |
Traditional Siddha Medicine | 4th year Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine, USA |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) | Pharmacology | Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 2019 |
MSc. | Yoga and Naturopathy | Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai | 2016 |
MSc. Medical | Pharmacology | Manipal University | 2010 |
PDCR (Professional Diploma) | Clinical Research | Catalyst Clinical Services Pvt Ltd, Delhi | 2009 |
MD (Doctor of Medicine) | Siddha Medicine - Noi Naadal | Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai | 2007 |
BSMS (Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery) | Siddha Medicine | Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai | 2004 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Melaka Manipal Medical College | Lecturer | Teaching | since 2010 |
Center for Integratvie Medicine and Research | Team Leader - Division of Siddha | Siddha Physician and Research | since 2016 |
Area of Interest
Siddha Medicine, drug discovery, drug-herbal interaction, integrative medicine, preclinical research, clinical research, scinetific writting, Varmam therapy, Naadi (pulse diagnosis)
Area of Expertise
Siddha Integrative care for psoriasis, cancer, renal stone, male inferitlity, life style diseases, palliative care, and autoimmune diseases
Area of Research
Traditional Medicines, Integrative Medicine, Ethno pharmacology, Animal experiments, Phytomedicine, Herbal medicine for cancers, infertility, women and chid health, Clinical research in Traditional and Integrative Medicine, Pharmacovigilance and drug interaction in integrative Medicine
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Registered Siddha Physician under Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), New Delhi.
- Registered Siddha Physician under Karnataka Ayurveda and Unani Practitioners (KAUP) Board, Bengaluru.
- Life Member of Indian Pharmacological Society, 2011.
- Life Member of Indian Siddha Medical Graduates Association, 2012.
- Life Member of World Association of Medical Editors, 2012.
- Life Member of International Society of Ethnobiology, 2013.
- Life Member of Society for Indian Medical Anthropology, 2013.
- Contributed as an Expert in syllaubs comittee for UG & PG Siddha courses in Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), New Delhi.
- Contributing as an Expert in Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Thambyayah M, Amuthan A. Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis: A Paediatric Siddha Medicine treatise. Clin Dermatol 2015;33:355-61.
Amuthan A, Chogtu B, Bairy KL, Sudhakar, Prakash M. Evaluation of diuretic activity of Amaranthus spinosus Linn. aqueous extract in Wistar rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2012; 140: 242-7
Shrestha J, Shanbhag T, Shenoy S, Amuthan A, Prabhu K, Sharma S, et al. Antifertility and abortifacient action of Areca catechu nut in female albino rats. Indian J Pharmacology 2010; 42:306-11
Amuthan A, Anandh S, Musharraf S, Agarwal N, Devi V, Shenoy RP, Nayal B. Effect of Notchi kudineer (Vitex negundo aqueous extract) on surgically induced endometriosis in Sprague Dawley rats . Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci. 2015;4(3):35-43.
Amirthalingam M, Kasinathan N, Amuthan A, Mutalik S, Reddy MS, Nayanabhirama U. Bioactive PLGA - curcumin microparticle-embedded chitosan scaffold: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. 2017;45(2):233-241.
For further information, visit : https://researcher.manipal.edu/en/persons/arul-amuthan-l