Professor & Head

Department of Medical Surgical Nursing


    Dr Jyothi Chakrabarty teaches postgraduate and undergraduate students. She is Professor and Head of the department of medical surgical nursing.

    She is:

    • Post Graduate Neurosciences Nursing Subject Coordinator
    • Class coordinator for Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care Post Graduate Residency Program
    • Curriculum committee Secretary
    • Research guide 
    • Member of institutional research committee
    • Library committee secretary
    • Examiner to undergraduate and post graduate students 


Subject Semester / Year
Medical Surgical Nursing Second year MSc
Clinical Nursing Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care Post Graduate Residency Program
Medical Surgical Nursing PB Diploma


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
PhD Medical Surgical Nursing Manipal College of Nursing Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education 2014
MSc Medical Surgical Nursing Manipal College of Nursing Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education 2006
BSc Nursing College of Nursing, Kottayam 1991


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal Professor & Head February 2019 till date
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, MCON Professor March 2018 to February 2020
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, MCON Associate Professor October 2010 till March 2018
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, MCON Assistant Professor October 2008 - September 2010
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, MCON Lecturer October 2006 - 2008 September


Area of Interest

Cancer Nursing, Neuro Nursing

Area of Expertise

Critical Care Nursing, Neuro Nursing, Cancer Nursing

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Life member of Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI), 1991.
  • Life member of Karnataka State Nursing Council (KSNC), 2006.
  • Life member of Asian Association of Cardiac Nurses - 00663, 2006.
  • Life member of Nursing research Society of India, 2006.

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Nurse Practitioner Education in India: Challenges, Opportunities, and Implications.

2022-01-07 Dr Soumya Christabel Shanbhag, V Dr Anice George

The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 18(7), 2022.

Video-assisted education on knowledge and practices of housewives towards prevention of Dengue Fever at Gokak Taluk, Karnataka, India,

2019-01-01 P Hiremath Leena Sequira

International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, DOI: 10.1080/14635240.2019.1685900

Child-rearing practices among migrant mothers of South India: A mixed method study.

2019-01-01 Anupama, D. S. Baby S Nayak

Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health.

Prevalence of anemia among tribal women.

2019-01-01 Rohisha, I. K Tessy Treesa Jose

Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8(1), 145

Cardiovascular complications of spinal cord injury.

2018-01-01 Varghese, R

Biomedicine (India), 38(3), 283-289.

Systematic Review on Effectiveness of Patient/Nurse Navigation on Health Outcomes of Breast Cancer Patients.

2018-01-01 Rawther, S. C. H., Mamatha Shivananda Pai Fernandes, D Mathew, S

Journal of Global Oncology 2018 4: Supplement 2, 81s-81s

Yoga Interventions for oxidative stress and Antioxidant status

2018-01-01 Bhat, V. R

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9(1), 203-207.

A Study to Describe Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Optimization Practice among ICU Patients of Tertiary Hospital of South India.

2018-01-01 Rachana, M Leena Sequira

International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(1), 296.

Nursing management of adults with severe traumatic brain injury: A narrative review.

2017-01-01 Varghese, R. Menon, G

Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 21(10), 684.

Predictors of cancer related fatigue among breast cancer patients at the beginning of radiotherapy in Karnataka.

2017-01-01 Vidyasagar, M. S Fernandes, D. J. Mayya, S. S.

Biomedicine, 37(3), 311-316.

Psychological impact of cancer diagnosis in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.

2017-01-01 Shejila, C. H Mamatha Shivananda Pai Fernandes, D. J. Mathew, S. Elsa Sanatombi Devi Dr Anice George

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 8(3), 92-96

Economic burden of cancer in India.

2017-01-01 Mamatha Shivananda Pai Ranjith, V. K Fernandes, D. J

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 8(3), 137-141.

Staff nurses’ knowledge regarding holistic nursing care.

2016-01-01 Thomas, R. B DSouza, J. P.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and health Sciences, 2(2), 38-40.

A Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact of a Nurse Navigator Programme on outcomes of people with breast cancer: study protocol.

2017-01-01 Chillakunnel Hussain Rawther, S. Pai, M. S., Fernandes, D. J. Mathew, S. Binu, V. S. Nayak, B. S.

Journal of advanced nursing, 73(4), 977-988.

Glomus Jugulare: A Case Series.

2016-01-01 Wilma P Roseminu Varghese Girish Menon Preena Maria Corda Della Varghese.

Mpl J of Nurs health Sci, 2(1), 74 -77.

Emotional aspects and pranayama in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: A randomized controlled trial

2016-25-05 Vidyasagar MS Fernandes D Mayya S

Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs 2016;3:199-204.

Effectiveness of pranayama on cancer related fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: A randomized controlled trial.

2015-23-12 Vidyasagar MS Fernandes D Joisa G Varghese P Mayya S

Int J Yoga 2015;8:47-53

Effectiveness of pranayama on the levels of serum protein thiols and glutathione in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy : A randomised controlled trial

2013-01-01 Shreemathi S Mayya Ganapathi Joisa Nagalakshmi MS Vidyasagar

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol; 57(3) : 225-232, 2013.

Compliance to vitamin and Mineral Supplementation among Pregnant Women.

2013-01-01 Barboza L Fernandes, S. J.

Journal of Nursing Research Society of India, 6(1), 64-68.

Prevalence of obesity and comparison of lifestyle practices of obese and no obese women

2009-01-01 Baby S Nayak

Asian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol.17 (1), 2009.

Nursing management of intracranial hypertension


Kerala Nursing Forum, Vol 2, No 4, 2007.

A case-control study of dietary habits, physical activity and risk for abdominal obesity among working women

Baby S Nayak

Calicut Medical Journal 8(2):E2.