Consumer Court Visit by MLS Students
September 08, 2023
Legal Services Clinic, Manipal Law School, MAHE, Bengaluru campus organized Consumer Court visit on 8th September,2023 to get its law students accustomed with the knowledge of consumer court proceedings and its numerous facets. The proceedings were chaired by Hon'ble Sh. Ramchandra, President, 4th Additional Consumer Forum, along with Judicial Members in Shantinagar Branch Bengaluru. Students were also addressed by Hon'ble president of the Consumer Forum along with other members with respect to the filing of complaint , proceedings , summery proceedings, parties in proceedings, jurisdiction of consumer court, knowledge of consumer rights and the role of Consumer Protection Act to regulate different trade policies as to how consumers can avail of protections under the same. This group of law students was laid by Dr. Manjunath CG, Co-Head, Legal Services Clinic, MLS, Dr. Shahana Reddy, Co-head, Legal Services Clinic ,MLS and Dr. Rahul Mishra, Head, Legal Services Clinic, MLS under the direction of Prof( Dr.) Avinash Dadich ,director, Manipal Law School, Bengaluru campus.