- Class room teaching
- Bed side Clinical training
- Operative Surgery training
- Patient care – preoperative, post operative
- Seminars
- Journal Clubs
- Clinico-pathological Meets
- Mortality meet
- Working as Head of surgery department KMC Mangalore.
- Assisting the administration to implement Manipal Academy of Higher Education policies, rules and regulations.
- Organizing the departmental activities and administering the department efficiently.
- Helping orient the new staff appointed to the department and the students posted in the department.
- Active participation in organising CME and other departmental events
- Member and organising Board of studies (BOS) meetings of surgery department alternate years in Mangalore campus
- Organising all CME’s, department activities, guest lectures by national, international and adjunct faculties.
Professor and Head of Unit "B" at Wenlock District Hospital, Mangaluru
Under graduates and Post-graduate teaching including
Subject | Semester / Year |
General surgery | Post graduates |
General Surgery | 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th semesters |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MS | General Surgery | KMC, Mangalore | 1990 |
MBBS | KMC, Mangalore | 1987 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
KMC Mangalore | Professor | Guiding post graduates/ dissertation in addition to above work MBBS / MS internal and external examiner | 01-10-2010 - till date |
KMC, Mangalore | Professor and Head | Guiding post graduates/ dissertation in addition to above work MBBS / MS internal and external examiner Managing the department in the capacity as HOD of surgery | 13-01-2018 - 12/01/2023 |
KMC, Mangalore | Additional Professor | Guiding post graduates/ dissertation in addition to above work MBBS / MS internal and external examiner | 19-05-2009 to 30-09-2010 |
KMC, Mangalore | Associate professor | Guiding post graduates/ dissertation in addition to above work MBBS / MS internal and external examiner | 01-01-1997 to 18-05-2009 |
KMC, Mangalore | Assistant professor | Teaching and working in clinical and didactic teaching of UG and PGs in addition o patient care | 20-09-1992 to 31-12-1996 |
KMC, Mangalore | Lecturer | Teaching and working in clinical and didactic teaching of UG and PGs in addition to patient care | 20-09-1990 to 19-09-1992 |
KMC, Mangalore | Resident | Active clinical, peri operative work in patient care | 01-09-1987 to 18-07-1990 |
Area of Interest
General surgery and Surgical gastroenterology
Area of Expertise
General surgery and Laparoscopic surgery. Head and neck surgeries. Teaching, bedside clinics.
Area of Research
1. A phase 2 double blind, placebo controlled, multi centric Adjuvant trial of the efficacy, immunogenicity and safety of GI-4000: an inactivated recombitant sacchomyces cerevisiae expressing mutant Ras protien combined with a gemcitabine regimen versus a gemcitabine regimen with placebo, in patients with post resection R0/R1 pancreatic cancer with tumour sequence confirmation of Ras mutation 2. A double blind randomized placebo controlled multicentre study to assess the efficacy and safety of Euphorbia Prostrata Dry Extracta Tablets in Patients of first and second degree haemorrhoids –as PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR clinical trial done from April to November 2009. Total of 28 screening were done and 21 patients randomized.
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Received Good teacher award on 6th April 2000 from Manipal Academy of Higher Education and also in March 2018.
I was president Association of surgeons of India – DK branch for one year 2011 to 2012.
Member of -
- Founder member of association of Minimal access surgeons of India. No. 1434 November 2003.
- Member of Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Member of Association of Surgeons of India (ASI) – FL 9956
- LIFE MEMBERSHIP No 329 dated 09 -11 – 2011.
- Hernia Society of India life member
- Association of Medical Consultants
- Association of Breast surgeons of India
- Venous association of India
- President ASI –Mangalore chapter 2011-2012
Written many surgically related books –
- SRBS manual of surgery – 6th edition
- SRBS surgical operations Text and Atlas – 2nd edition
- SRBS clinical methods in surgery – 3rd edition
- SRBS surgery for dental students – 3nd edition
- SRBS surgery for nurses – 1st edition
- SRBS Bedside clinic in surgery – first edition
- Jaypee gold standard mini atlas series SURGICAL DISEASES (2007) 1st edition.
Bhat S , Mohammed A , Prasad K , Shah A . A Rare Isolated Case Of Adenocarcinoma Of Rete Testis With Cutaneous Secondaries - a Case Report . WebmedCentral SURGERY 2011;2(1):WMC001501
Bhat S, Shah A . Case Report On Paraganglioma Duodenale . WebmedCentral SURGERY 2011;2(1):WMC001457
Sriram Bhat M,Ashfaque M, Balu K, Madhusudhanan J,Sendhil RK. A Rare Presentation of Crohn's Disease: OJHAS VOL 6 , ISSUE 4: 2007 OCT-DEC
Sriram Bhat M. Case Report: Primary squamous cell carcinoma od Caecum – Indian journal of cancer 2003; volume 40; issue 03; pages 118-119