Radhika R Pai

Assistant Professor - Senior Scale

Department of Fundamentals of Nursing


    Radhika R Pai is working as Assistant Professor – Senior Scale in the Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, MCON Manipal. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students.

    • Works as a class coordinator for 1st Year BSc Nursing students
    • Works as clinical supervisor for medical and surgical ward, both for UG and PG students. 
    • Counsels academically poor students
    • Participates in conducting departmental research studies
    • Participates in evaluation of the curriculum
    • Guides UG and PG Nursing student’s projects


Subject Semester / Year
Nursing Foundation First & Second Semester BSc Nursing
Critical Care Nursing I Second Year Nurse Practitioner
Advanced Nursing Practice I Year MSc Nursing
Certificate Course in Oncology Nursing Three months certificate course


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
National Fellowship in Palliative Care Nursing (NFPN) Palliative Care Institute of Palliative Medicine (IPM), Calicut 2023
PhD in Nursing Oncology Nursing MCON, MAHE, Manipal 2020
International Diabetes Educator E- Learning Course (IDEEL) International Diabetes Federation 2015
Certificate course in Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research methods Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research methods Department of Statistics, MU, Manipal 2014
MSc Oncology nursing Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education 2009
BSc Nursing Nursing JSS College of Nursing, RGUHS, Mysore 2005


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Assistant Professor - Sr Scale 2016
School of Nursing, Mangalore Assistant Professor - Sr. Scale 2014 - 16
School of Nursing, Mangalore Assistant Professor 2012
School of Nursing Mangalore Lecturer 2009
School of Nursing Mangalore Assistant Lecturer 2006
Alvas College of Nursing, Moodbidri Assistant Lecturer 2005


Area of Interest

Preventive oncology, Continuing education of staff nurses, Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, technology based learning

Area of Expertise

Oncology nursing, Nursing Foundation, Nursing Education

Area of Research

Oral care in Head and Neck cancer patients, Venous thrombosis among cancer patients, OSCE, Teaching and learning portfolios, Student nurses clinical competency

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Life member of TNAI (Trained Nurses Association of India).
  • Life member of ONAI (Oncology Nurses Association of India).
  • Life member of IAPC (Indian Association of Palliative Care).


  • Awarded the Cynthia N. Rittenberg Travel Scholarship for the abstract titled “Evaluation of an Oral Care Protocol for Chemotherapy- and Radiation Therapy-Induced Oral Complications in Head and Neck Cancer Patients.” This award was given by MASSCC/ISOO award committee to attend a conference on MASCC annual meeting 2019 at San Francisco, USA between 21.06.19 to 23.06.19.
  • Lecture Series Grant on Translating Research into Practice (TRIP): Shifting Paradigm for Clinical Practice. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (New Delhi, India, IN). March 2022 URL: http://www.shastriinstitute.org/node/13190
  • ICMR ICRC Grant for Effectiveness of Capacity Building: Integrating the palliative care and symptom relief into Primary Health Care - An Evaluative approach. 2020-01 to 2023-12 URL: http://www.ctri.nic.in/Clinicaltrials/pdf_generate.php?trialid=42730&EncHid=&modid=&compid=%27,%2742730det%27


  • Awarded as “Best Teacher” by the students of MCON, Mangalore during teachers day celebrations on 5th September 2010
  • Secured 3rd place in the poster presentation at International Conference on Research methods with a focus on “Mixed Method Research” conducted by Omayal Achi College of Nursing, Puzhal, Chennai, on 19th January 2012.

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The pattern of smartphone usage, smartphone addiction, and associated subjective health problems associated with smartphone use among undergraduate nursing students.

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J Edu Health Promot 2023;12:49.

Assessment of the cleaning and disinfection practices among healthcare workers in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) post-patient discharge.

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Clinical Experience during the Covid-19 pandemic: Student Nurses Perspectives from India

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Information need assessment and development of information booklet for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: cross-sectional analysis.

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Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment. 2022;5(2):254-65.

Improving symptom assessment and management in the community through capacity building of primary palliative care: A study protocol of exploratory research

July 2022 Malathi G Nayak Baby S Nayak Sudhakar Upadya Naveen S Salins

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Assessment and oral care: An essential nursing activity for patients receiving cancer treatment.

2021 Ravikiran Ongole Sourjya Banerjee

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. 2021;7(1):9.

Palliative care challenges and strategies for the management amid COVID-19 pandemic in India: Perspectives of palliative care nurses, cancer patients, and caregivers.

2020 June Malathi G Nayak Sangeetha N

Indian Journal of Palliative Care. 1;26(5):121.

Oral care in cancer nursing: Practice and barriers.

2019-01-01 Ravikiran Ongole Sourjya Banerjee

Indian Journal of Dental Research, 30(2), 226.

Oral Care Protocol for Chemotherapy-and Radiation Therapy-Induced Oral Complications in Cancer Patients: Study Protocol.

January 01, 2019 Krishna Prasad Ravikiran Ongole Sourjya Banerjee Baby S Nayak Dr Anice George Linu Sara George

Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 6(4), 417.

"Nurses’ Knowledge and Education about Oral Care of Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy.

2015-01-01 Ravikiran Ongole

Indian Journal of Palliative Care.21 (2): 225-230. ISSN 0973-1075

Perception of the staff nurses regarding caring patients from different culture.

2014-01-01 Janet Alva

The Journal of Nursing Trendz. 5(1): 18-22.

Perception of audit process among staff nurses

2012-01-01 Janet Alva Christopher Sudhakar Janet Alva

Nursing Journal of India, Vol CIII No 5.

Low back pain among student nurses

2011-01-01 Dr Daisy Josphine Lobo Melita Sheilini

International Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 3 No1.

Assessment of presenting symptoms, risk factors and quality of life among ovarian cancer patients: a cross-sectional survey

Vina Tina Dsouza Melin Martin Bony P Thomas Abhina K Gayathri Raj Ritty Reetha George

Naina Thapa Daisy J Lobo Radhika R Pai

Perception, satisfaction, and self-regulation in blended learning environment during Covid-19 pandemic among health sciences students: a cross-sectional survey”

Sandeep Kumar Roy Ramesh C Radhika R Pai

Awareness and attitude on factors contributing and its preventive measures on coronary artery disease among non health care professionals: A cross sectional study

A study to assess the pattern of smart phone usage, smart phone addiction and associated subjective health problems among nursing students of selected colleges of Udupi district, Karnataka State, India.

July 01, 2019 Radhika R Pai Joyce Machado Reshma R Kotian

A study to assess the information needs and risk of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy with a view to develop and validate information guide in a tertiary care center, Udupi district.

2019-01-07 Smita D Varghese

A study to assess the knowledge and practices of cleaning and disinfection among Health Care Workers (HCWs) in the intensive care units (ICUs) of a tertiary care hospital in Udupi district, Karnataka.

2017-01-07 Tincy Varghese

Perception of staff Nurses regarding Quality Audit Process in hospitals of Mangalore district, Karnataka

2012-02-01 Nima Lhamo Dona M Jose Jesty M Mathew Dinsa Paul Nimil Netto GA Sunny

Knowledge, attitude and practice of breast self-examination (BSE) among health care workers working in selected hospitals of Dakshina Kannada district, Karnataka

2010-01-01 Abu Hashim Princy M Joys Johnson Saranya. TP

2010 Batch.