Dr. Aparna IN


Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge


    Director Planning,Manipal Academy of Higher Education

    Professor and Coordinator for Center for Dental Implant Solutions and Education 


Subject Semester / Year
Fixed and Removable prosthodontics
Maxillo-facial Prosthetics
Oral Implantology


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
PhD Oral Implantology Manipal Academy of Higher Education 2018
Fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologist Oral Implantology ICOI, USA 2012
Certificate in Epidemiology and Research Methodology Biostatistics Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal 2012
Certificate in Laser Dentistry Laser Dentistry Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal 2010
Certificate in Maxillofacial Prosthesis Maxillofacial Prosthetics Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal 2009
Certificate in Oral Advanced Implantology Implant Dentistry Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal 2007
MDS Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge MAHE University, Manipal 1998


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS Manipal Professor and Head 2011
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS Manipal Professor 2007
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS Manipal Associate Professor 2003
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS Manipal Assistant Professor 1998
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS Manipal Tutor 1997

Replacement of missing anterior tooth using screw retained implant prosthesis in the esthetic zone: a case report with 3 years of follow up.

Ahmad M Naim H

Scopus ID: 26530691100

1.       Pattanshetty, S., Narayana A, Radhakrishnan, R, Povidone-iodine gargle as a prophylactic intervention to interrupt the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, Oral Diseases. 2020; 00:1–2.

2.       Karthik Sivaraman, Aditi Chopra, Aparna Narayana, Raghu A Radhakrishnan, A five-step risk management process for geriatric dental practice during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Gerodontology 2020 Sep 25;10.1111/ger.12499.doi: 10.1111/ger.12499.

3.       Khushboo Singh, Pradeep S, Dhanasekar Balkrishanan, Aparna I Narayana The Effect of Enzymatic Denture Cleanser on the Physical Properties of Different Types of Denture Base Resin Materials Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, September 2019, Vol. 10, No. 9: 271-277

4.       Sequeira, A.L., Narayan, A.I., George, V.T. Effects of nonaldehyde immersion disinfection on the mechanical properties of flexible denture materials. J Prosthet Dent. 2019 May; 121(5):843-847

5.       Khushboo Singh, Nayana Prabhu, Dhanasekar Balkrishanan, Aparna I Narayana, S Pradeep, Prosthetic lip with the retentive attachment for a unilateral cleft lip patient: A clinical report, Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, 2019 10 (3 ) 577-581

6.       Krishnamoorthy G, Narayana AI, Peralam PY, Balkrishanan D. To study the effect of Cocos nucifera oil when incorporated into tissue conditioner on its tensile strength and antifungal activity: An in vitro study. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2019; 19:225-32.

7.       Chopra A, Sivaraman K, Narayan AI, Balakrishnan D. Etiology and classification of food impaction around implants and implant-retained prosthesis. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2019; 21 (2): 391-397.

8.       Krishnamoorthy, G., Narayana, A. I., & Balkrishanan, D. Mastication as a tool to prevent cognitive dysfunctions. The Japanese Dental Science Review 2018:54(4); 169–73.

9.       KarthikSivaramana,Aditi Chopra, Aparna I.Narayana, Dhanasekar Balakrishnana: Is zirconia a viable alternative to titanium for oral implant? A critical review, journal of prosthodontic research 62(2018)121–133

10.   Akanksha Sachdeva,  Nayana Prabhu,  Dhanasekar B, Aparna IN, Effect of Conventional and Microwave Glazing on Surface Roughness of Metal Ceramics: An Atomic Force Microscopy Analysis, Indian Journal of Dental Research | Volume 29 | Issue 3 | May-June 2018

11.   Sangeeta J. Nair, I. N. Aparna, B. Dhanasekar1, Nayana Prabhu, Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Hemimandibulectomy Defect with Removable Partial Denture Prosthesis Using an Attachment-Retained Guiding Flange, Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | January - March 2018

12.   Sonam Gupta, Aparna Ichalangod Narayan, Ashita Vijay and Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, Soft Tissue Profile around Dental Implants Placed in the Aesthetic Zone − A Biological Update, Dent Update 2018; 45: 247–25

13.   Hegde Puneeth, Dhanasekar B, Shenoy Satish, Aparna I.N, Gupta Lokendra, Rodrigues Shobha J, Shetty Thilak, Comparison of Stress Patterns in the Edentulous Mandibular Bone around Four Implant Retained Over Denture and  All-On-Four Concept – A Three Dimensional Finite  Element Analysis, Indian journal of public health research and development.

14.   Hegde Puneeth, Dhanasekar B, Shenoy Satish, Aparna I.N, Three Dimensional Finite Element Stress Analysis of Two and Four Implant Supported Prosthesis, Materials today proceeding.

15.   Akanksha Sachdeva, Nayana Prabhu, B Dhanasekar, IN Aparna, Effect of Conventional and Microwave Glazing on Surface Roughness of Metal Ceramics: An Atomic Force Microscopy Analysis. Indian Journal of Dental Research; 2018, 29 :3, 352-357

16.   Ashita Vijay, Nayana Prabhu, Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, Aparna I Narayan, Comparative Study of the Flexural Strength of High Impact Denture Base Resins Reinforced by Silver Nanoparticles and E-Glass Fibres: An In-Vitro Study. J Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2018, Nov, Vol-12(11): ZC22-ZC26.

17.   Manawar Ahmad, Hina Naim, Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, Aparna Narayan and Abdullah Meshni, Implant placement with guided bone regeneration in the maxillary aesthetic zone - A case report with 3 years of follow up. Dent Oral Craniofac Res, 2017, Volume 3(3): 1-4.

18.   Tanuka Dutta, Vinu Thomas George, Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, Aparna Ichalangod Narayan .An in vitro Comparative Study to evaluate the Marginal Fit of Castings using Ring and Ringless Casting Techniques with varying Sprue Diameter. WJOUD 2017;2: 109-113

19.   Lokendra Gupta, IN Aparna, B Dhanasekar, Sujatha Bhat, Kishore Ginjupalli, Priyanka Agarwal. Evaluation of Antifungal Activity of Methacrylic Acid incorporated in Conventional Heat-activated Resins. WJOUD 2017;2:129-133

20.   Sonam Gupta, Aparna Ichalangod Narayan, and Dhanasekar Balakrishnan. In Vitro Comparative Evaluation of Different Types of Impression Trays and Impression Materials on the Accuracy of Open Tray Implant Impressions: A Pilot Study International Journal of Dentistry 2017.https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/6306530

21.   Sushma Y, Aparna IN, Archit C, Dhanasekar B.CAD/CAM assisted auricular prosthesis fabrication for a quick, precise and retentive outcome. A Clinical report- Accepted in The Journal of Prosthodontics. DOI: 10.1111/jopr.12589.

22.   Sangeetha JN, Aparna IN, Pradeep S, Nayana P, Dhanasekar B. Technique Tips- A simplified technique of fabricating foldable mandibular complete denture using a custom- made hinge assembly. Dental Update 2016; 43:896-897.

23.   Varun Y, Aparna IN, Akanksha S, Dhanasekar B, Nayana P. Emerging Antibacterial coated Dental Implants: A preventive measure for Peri implantitis. World Journal of Dentistry 2016; 7(4):195-198.

24.   Gupta L, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B, Prabhu N, Malla N, Agarwal P. 3-D orientation of iris in an ocular prosthesis using customized scale .J Prosthet Dent 2014,22:223-225.

25.   Manawar Ahmad, B. Dhanasekar, I.N. Aparna, Hina Naim. Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening, March/April 2014 General Dentistry. Online access.

26.   Ahmad M, Dhanasekar B, Aparna IN, Naim H. Replacement of missing anterior tooth using screw retained implant prosthesis in the esthetic zone: a case report with 3 years of follow up. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2014 Sep; 14(3):297-300.

27.   Gupta L, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B, Khanna G, Lingeshwar D, Agarwal P. Functional and Aesthetic Rehabilitation of a Geriatric Patient with Cleft Palate: A Case Report. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2014; 2: 21-26.

28.   Ahmad M, Balakrishnan D, Narayan AI. A comparative evaluation of linear dimensional accuracy of the dies obtained using three conceptually different die systems in the fabrication of implant prosthesis: An in vitro study. IJDR 2014; 25(2): 197-203.

29.   Shelly Goyal, Mukesh K Goyal, Dhanasekar Balakrishanan, Veena Hegde, Aparna I Narayana. The posterior palatal seal: Its rationale and importance: An overview. Eur J of Prosthodontics 2014; 2: 41- 47.

30.   Kalra M, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B. Evolution of surgical guidance in implant dentistry. Dent Update. 2013 Sep; 40(7):577-8, 581-2.

31.   Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B, Lingeshwar D, Gupta L. Implant crest module: A review of biomechanical considerations.2012 IJDR;23(2):257—261.

32.   Dhanasekar B, Aparna IN, Neha Mall, Amit Garg. Occlusion in Implant Dentistry- Issues and Considerations. JOHCD 2012; 6: 91-96.

33.   Ahmed M, Dhanasekar B, Aparna IN, Naim H. An innovative technique to restore velopharyngeal incompetency for a patient with cleft lip and palate. BMJ. 2013, On line access

34.   Reddy NK, Aparna I. Effect of frequency and amplitude of vibration and role of a surfactant on void formation in models poured from polyvinyl siloxane impressions.  J Conserv Dent 2011; 14:151-155.

35.    Jain DC, Hegde V, Aparna IN, B Dhanasekar.  Occular prosthesis-An Aesthetic vision, Journal of Nepal Dental Association 2010; 11(1)14-18.

36.   Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B, Lingeshwar D, Lokendra Gupta, Puneet Hegde. Ridge splitting with immediate implant placement-A case report, Indian J Stomatol 2011; 2(2)6-9.

37.   Mathai JR, Sholapurkar AA, Raghu A, Shenoy RP, Mallya HM, Pai KM, D’Souza. Comparison of the efficacy of sodium hypochlorite with sodium perborate in removal of stains from heat cured clear acrylic acrylic resin. N Y State Dent J 2011:77:48-53.

38.   Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B, Subraya G, Abhay T, Lingeshwar D, Puneeth H. Ridge Splitting with Immediate Implant placement- A case report. Indian J Stomatol 2011; 2:126-129.

39.   Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B, Lokendra Gupta, Lingeshwar D. Medial mandibular flexure-A review of concepts and consequences- publication in International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research May-August 2011;2(2):67-71.

40.   Mall N, Dhanasekar B, Aparna IN. Validation of implant stability: A measure of implant permanence. IJDR 2011; 22:462-7.

41.   Jain DC, Hegde V, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B. Overdenture with access post system: A clinical report. IJDR 2011; 22:359-61.

42.   Kumar U, Vij H, Vij R, Kharbanda J, Aparna I, Radhakrishnan R. Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor of the peripheral variant mimicking epulis. 2010; 2010: 519- 525.

43.   Deepti CJ, Veena H, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B. Occular prosthesis- An Esthetic Vision. J Nepal Dent Assoc 2010;11:101-106.Lingeshwar D, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B. Diagnostic Imaging in Implant Dentistry- A review, IJIOCR 2010;1:147-153.

44.   Manav Kalra, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B. Re-establishing occlusal harmony in processed complete dentures, Indian Dentist Research & Review August 2010;4:26-32 .

45.   Kulashekar N Reddy, Veena Hegde, IN Aparna, B Dhanasekar. Incorporating modified ovate pontic design for anterior tooth replacement: A report of two cases, Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 2009; 9 (2); 100-10.

46.   Manav Kalra, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B. Re-establishing occlusal harmony in processed complete dentures, Indian Dentist Research & Review 2010;4:26-32 .

47.   Chandra TS, Sholapurkar A, Joseph RM, Aparna IN, Pai KM. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a complete bilateral maxillectomy patient using a simple magnetically hollow obturator- A case report. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008; 9: 70-76.

48.   Aparna R, Muruganandandhan J, Raghu AR. Role of Prosthodontist in Forensic Dentistry. JFO 2008; 1(1): 20 – 22

49.   Mukesh Kumar Goyal, Manawar Ahmed, Veena Hegde, Dhanasekar, Aparna IN. Dentogenic Restorations: An Esthetic Value-A Review. Kerala Dental Journal, 2008; 31:19-23.

50.   Mukesh Kumar Goyal, Veena Hegde, Dhanasekar, Aparna IN. Dentogenic Concepts-An Art and Science-A Review. Indian Dental Research. July 2008; 1: 73-76.

51.   Parithimarkalaignan S, Veena Hegde, Aparna IN. Modern trends in extra oral maxillofacial prosthesis -A review. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2007; 16(2):103-9.

52.   Parithimarkalaignan S, Veena Hegde, Aparna IN, Dhanasekar B.Conventional and advanced techniques in prosthodontic preservation and surgical management of residual alveolar ridge-A review. Pak Oral and Dental Journal. 2007; 27(2):271-276.

53.   Aparna IN, Ronnie George, Veena Hegde, Jagadish, Sugandhi Rao, Sreekumaran Nair, Mariette D’Souza. Quantitative and qualitative effect of chlorhexidine gluconate, Listerine and Betadine mouthwashes during crown preparation using a high turbine handpiece. Kerala Dental Journal 2004; 1:6-10.


Chapter in textbook






Chapter- Dentist care for Covid-19 patients, Covid 19 , A Multidimensional Approach

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Ceramics in Dentistry- For Sikkim- Manipal Distance Education Program

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Maintenance of Ceramic Lab Equipment’s- For Sikkim Manipal Distance Education Program

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As more and more dental practitioners are focusing on implant-supported fixed restorations, some clinicians favor the use of cement retained restorations while others consider screw-retained prosthesis to be the best choice. As both types of prostheses have certain advantages and disadvantages, clinicians should be aware of the limitations of each type. Screw-retained implant restorations have an advantage of predictable retention, retrievability and lack of potentially retained sub-gingival cement. However, a few disadvantages exist such as precise placement of the implant for optimal and esthetic location of the screw access hole and obtaining passive fit. On the other hand, cement retained restorations eliminates unaesthetic screw access holes; have passive fit of castings; reduce stress to splinted implants because of minor misfit of the framework; reduced complexity of lab procedures; enhanced esthetics; reduced cost factors and non disrupted morphology of the occlusal table. This case report presents the replacement of missing left central incisor using screw-retained implant prosthesis due to palatal trajectory of the implant placement and inadequate abutment height for retention of cement retained prosthesis.

Functional and Aesthetic Rehabilitation of a Geriatric Patient With Cleft Palate: A Case Report. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2014; 2: 21-26.

Khanna G Lingeshwar D Agarwal P

Cleft palate defect with complete edentulism in elderly patients presents a prosthodontic challenge for complete denture fabrication. Such large defects are very difficult to restore by surgical intervention and have direct consequence on such functions as mastication and speech, on aesthetics, and on the patient's mental attitude. This article describes a case report in which a 76-year-old female patient underwent restoration with a closed hollow bulb obturator for a large cleft palate defect.

Validation of implant stability: A measure of implant permanence. IJDR 2011; 22:462-7.

Mall N Dhanasekar B

Implant stability is a requisite characteristic of osseointegration. Without it, long-term success cannot be achieved. Continuous monitoring in a quantitative and objective manner is important to determine the status of implant stability. Measurement of implant stability is a valuable tool for making decisions pertaining to treatment protocol and also improves dentist-patient communication. Owing to the invasive nature of histological analysis, various others methods have been proposed like radiographs, cutting torque resistance, reverse torque, modal analysis, resonance frequency analysis and Implatest® . This review focuses on objectives and various methods to evaluate implant stability.

A comparative evaluation of linear dimensional accuracy of the dies obtained using three conceptually different die systems in the fabrication of implant prosthesis: An in vitro study. IJDR 2014; 25(2): 197-203.

Ahmad M Balakrishnan D Narayan

Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening, March/April 2014 General Dentistry. Online access.

Manawar Ahmad Dhanasekar Hina Naim


Area of Interest

Implant supported fixed restorations

Area of Expertise

Prosthodontics and Implantology

Area of Research

Oral Implatology

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

Life Member     International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Life Member     Indian Prosthodontic Society
Life Member     Indian Dental Association
Life Member     Indian Society of Prosthodontics and Restorative Periodontics
Life Member     Karnataka Prosthodontic Society
Life Member     Indian Academy of Laser Dentistry

Evolution of surgical guidance in implant dentistry

2013-01-01 Kalra M Dhanasekar B

2013, 40:577-578

3-D orientation of iris in an ocular prosthesis using customized shade

2013-01-01 J Prosthet Dent

J Prosthet Dent, 2013, 22:223-225.X

Implant crest module: A review of biomechanical considerations

2013-01-01 Dhanasekar B Lingeshwar D Gupta L.

An innovative technique to restore velopharyngeal incompetency for a patient with cleft lip and palate

2013-01-01 Ahmed M Dhanasekar B Naim H


Effect of frequency and amplitude of vibration and role of a surfactant on void formation in models poured from polyvinyl siloxane impressions

2011-14-04 J Conserv Dent Reddy NK

2011 April, 14(2):151-5

Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening,

Manawar Ahmad B. Dhanasekar Hina Naim

Occular prosthesis-An Aesthetic vision, Journal of Nepal Dental Association 2010;11(1)14-18.

Jain DC Hegde V

Ridge splitting with immediate implant placement-A case report, Indian J Stomatol 2011;2(2)6-9.

Dhanasekar B Lingeshwar D Lokendra Gupta Puneet Hegde

Emerging anti bacterial coated dental implants: a preventive measure for peri- implantitis

Varun Yarramaneni IN Aparna Akanksha Sachdeva Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, Nayana Prabhu

World Journal of Dentistry 2016;7(4):195-98.

Prosthetic management of total glossectomy patients: a review

Varun Yarramaneni Dhanasekar Balakrishnan Saumya Kapoor Aparna IN

International journal of prosthodontics and Restorative dentistry. 2016;6(3):66-68

Technique Tips – A Simplified Technique of Fabricating Foldable Mandibular Complete Denture using a Custom-made Hinge Assembly

2016-20-12 Sangeeta J Nair Aparna IN S Pradeep Nayana Prabhu Dhanasekar B

Dental Update 2016;43(9):896

Undergraduate- Fatigue life analysis of Dental Implants

Year 2018 Student Anisha Uday Shetty Title Evaluation of Anti-Candida activity and glucose absorption of a soft liner when incorporated with seed oil - An In-vitro study 2017 Shilpa Prabhu Evaluation of the effect of Cissus quandrangularis plant extract coated implant surface on osseointegration in experimental animals 2016 Gayathri To Compare and evaluate the effect of tissue conditioner incorporated with fluconazole, natural oils and silver nano particles on the tensile strength and growth of Candida Albicans- An In-Vitro study 2015 Sushma Yadav Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of modified polymethyl methacrylate based denture base resin incorporated with acrylamide- An in vitro study 2014 Dinesh Kumari Sharma Comparative study of a chlorine based disinfectant on wettability of three different types of Elastomeric Impression materials 2014 Alex Sequiera An in vitro study to compare the effect of a Non- Aldehyde disinfectant solution ( Perform) on Flexural and Impact strengths of two commercially available denture base materials 2013 Meghna Chauhan Comparative study of Tensile bond strength of commercially available temporary soft liners to different types of denture base liners 2013 Kartik S Effect of Time and Disinfection on dimensional stability of three commonly available elastomeric impression materials 2012 Lingeshwar D Quantification of residual monomer in commonly used heat cure denture base resins using high performance liquid Chromatography 2011 Neha Mall Influence of denture cleansers on color stability of acrylic teeth 2011 Lokendra Gupta Evaluation of flexural strength and growth of Candida Albicans and staphylococcus aureus on the surface of modified denture base resin 2010 Neha Malaviya A comparative evaluation of surface detail changes and compressive strength of gypsum casts and dies after immersion in hypochlorite solution and microwave irradiation. 2009 Gagan Khanna Comparison of micro hardness of three different types of acrylic artificial denture teeth. 2008 Kulashekar Reddy Effect of frequency and amplitude of vibration and role of surfactant on void formation in dies poured from polyvinyl siloxane impression materials. 2007 Nanda Kumar An evaluation of the position of Neutral zone in relation to the crest of the mandibular residual alveolar ridge


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