Dr. Ramprasad V.P.
Professor and Head
Department of Public Health Dentistry
- Teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Member of undergraduate/postgraduate board of studies of MAHE
- Member of KMC and KH Institutional Ethics Committee
- Faculty Advisor at Manipal FAIMER International institute for leadership in Inter Professional Education, (MFIILIPE), MAHE
- PhD guide for ICMR-NCS scheme
Subject | Semester / Year |
Public Health Dentistry | Third year, Final year - Part 1 and Postgraduates |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training | MAHE | 2020 | |
FAIMER Fellowship in Interprofessional Education | MAHE | 2017 | |
Certificate in Bioethics | Bioethics | Center for Bioethics, Manipal University | 2016 |
Certificate in Tobacco Cessation and Health Promotion | Tobacco Cessation | Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi | 2013 |
MDS | Public Health Dentistry | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore | 2008 |
BDS | Bangalore University | 2000 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Public Health Dentistry, MCODS Manipal | Professor and Head | June 2020 till date | |
Department of Public Health Dentistry, MCODS Manipal | Associate Professor | From 2013 till May 2020 | |
Department of Public Health Dentistry, MCODS Manipal | Reader | Jun 2012 - 2013 | |
Department of Public Health Dentistry, MCODS Manipal | Assistant Professor | Till June 2012 |
Dental Educational Environment
Assessment of the intensity of Nicotine Addiction.
Tobacco cessation and Nicotine Replacement Therapy.
Inter professional education
Inter Professional Project: MUFIILIPE IPE project.
Area of Interest
Geriatric Oral health, Tobacco Cessation, Epidemiology, Nutrition, Research Methodology, Behavioral Sciences, Ethics, Dental Education
Area of Expertise
Tobacco Cessation, Bioethics, Interprofessional / interdisciplinary projects, Student research projects
Area of Research
Dental Educational Environment, Nicotine dependence assessment, Population studies - needs and rehabilitation , Geriatric oral health, Tobacco Cessation
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Life Member of :
- Indian Public Health Association.
- International Epidemiological Association.
- Indian Dental Association.
- Indian Association Of Public Health Dentistry.
- Indian Society Of Medical Statistics.
- Action Council For Tobacco Control- India.
- Karnataka Association Of Community Health.
- Indian Society For Dental Research (ISDR).
- Indian Red Cross Society.
- Academy of Health Professional Educators, India.
Contributions :
Editor, Manipal Odontoscope 2013 to 2016
Resource person for IAPHD Post Graduate Teaching Series : IAPHD PILOT 2015, 2016, 2017 , Chennai
Examinerships and Evaluation:
Internal and External Examiner for Undergraduate and Post Graduate Exams of Manipal University, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences and Dr.MGR Medical University, Tamilnadu.
Thesis evaluator for Manipal University, Dr.DY Patil University, Pune
Achievements :
Member of Oral health Working Group, World Federation of Public Health Associations
Best Editor and Best Local branch Journal Award, Karnataka State IDA, 2014
Organizing Secretary of the 20th National IAPHD Conference at Manipal during November 2015
Member of the Scientific Committee, of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, Head office
Member of visiting team to MGH Institute of Health professionals, Boston, USA - the USIEF travel and stay grant to build capacity in interprofessional education
ICMR NCS scheme PhD guideship at MAHE, Manipal
Dental Care – Reaching out to the rural areas, National and International Perspectives. Karnataka State Dental Journal. July 2008. Pg 90-97.
Integrating e-health education in the Public Health Dentistry Curriculum. JIAPHD. Volume 2011, Issue 18, Pg 234-240.
A Bird’s Eye View Of International Organization For Standardization [ISO] - A Review IJCD APRIL, 2013 Issue 4(1) Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry.
Prevalence and risk factors for dental erosion among 11- to 14-year-old school children in South India. Journal of Oral Science, Vol. 55, No. 4, 329-336, 2013.
Assessment of the advocacy of Oral hygiene and oral health related practices amongst dental professionals in Udupi taluk, Karnataka State, India. January 2014. Indian Dentist Research and Review . Pg 52-56.
Comparison of Surface abrasion produced on the enamel surface by a standard dentifrice using three different toothbrush bristle designs: A profilometric in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, July – August 2014. Vol 17, Issue 4, Pg 369-373.
Punica granatum (Pomegranate) fruit and its relevance in oral hygiene. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR – JDMS). Vol 13. Issue 8, Ver IV, Aug 2014, Pg 29-34.
Dental Caries Experience in high risk soft drinks factory workers of South India: a Comparative study. Indian Journal of Dental Research 25 (2), 2014. Pg 174-177.
Assessment of the impact of the workplace environment on oral cancer awareness amongst high risk, semi urban blue collared personnel. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences ( IOSR – JDMS ) Volume 13, Issue II, Nov 2014, Pg 41-45.
Tobacco use among adults in a rural area of coastal Karnataka. 2015, Indian journal of preventive medicine; 3: 63-68.
Muralidhar M. Kulkarni Ranjitha S. Shetty Asha Kamath Veena G. Kamath Varun N. Ramprasad V.P.
The impact of lifestyles on the periodontal health of adults in Udupi district: A cross sectional study. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2016;20:330-5.
Singla N Acharya S Prabhakar RV Chakravarthy K Singhal D Singla R
Assessment of utilization of health insurance schemes by patients admitted for dental treatment at a tertiary care hospital in coastal Karnataka
Bhargav Bhat
The postgraduate student project
Tobacco free Educational Institution
Lahari A
The postgraduate student project
A cross sectional study to assess Root surface caries status amongst elderly diabetic and non diabetic population in Udupi district, Karnataka state.
Kush Kalra
The Postgraduate Student Project.
Seasonal Variation of fluorides and trace metals in the groundwater of Swarna River basin, Udupi district, Karnataka
Kush Kalra
The Postgraduate Student Project.
Amchi Dental Project, Leh, Ladakh 2015
Community outreach program 2015
Antimicrobial efficacy of Tulsi essential oil on oral microbiota an in-vitro study
Kush Kalra
The Postgraduate student project
Assessment of ciliary motility and nasal muco ciliary clearance among non-smokers, cigarette smokers and bidi smokers, a diagnostic observational study
Buddha Aditya Paul
The Postgraduate student project
Indian Express
Student achievements.
Vijaya Karnataka
Dental screening program.
Udaya Vani, Indian Express
Indian Red Cross Society, Udupi branch
Spandana Television Interview - KMC Arogya Spandana
Tobacco Cessation