Dr N Vasudev Ballal
Department Of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
Qualification: BDS, MDS, PhD
- Have received industrial grants from Dentsply, USA; Vista Dental, USA; Epien Medical USA; Septodont, France; BioMTA, Korea; Medcem, Switzerland; University of Zurich, Switzerland, Engineered Endodontics, USA; FKG Swiss Endo, Switzerland; University of Dublin, Ireland.
N Vasudev Ballal is a Professor.
- Editorial board member of 25 international and national journals
- Reviewer of 93 international journals
- Publons (Web of Science)- 607 verified reviews and being the top reviewer of
Dentistry in India.
- Only Indian to review 200 plus manuscripts for the prestigious “Journal of
Endodontics” which is an official journal of American Association of
- PhD external examiner for University of Granada, Spain
- External referee for faculty promotion in King Saud University, Riyadh,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- One of the eminent academics in the world to opine about universities in the
2020 QS Global Academic Survey- Ajman University, UAE.
- Invited to take part in validation of the items within a new quality standard
for reporting Laboratory studies in Endodontology, named as Preferred
Reporting Items for Laboratory Studies in Endodontology (PRILE) by
European Society of Endodontology 2021.
- One of the eminent academics in the world to opine about universities in the
2021 QS Global Academic Survey- Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
- External academic evaluator for PhD grant submissions, School of Dental Science, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Ireland.
- Invited to be a guest editor along with Prof. Paul Roy Cooper, University of
Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand for the thematic issue on “Debates in
Endodontics: 2022” by Frontiers of Dental Medicine journal.
- Invited to take part in in a study that aims to develop a core outcome set
(COS) for endodontic treatment modalities by European Society of
Endodontology 2022.
- Authored two chapters in “Essentials of Endodontics”, Quintessence Science
Communication Pvt. Ltd.
- Have conducted 47 collaborative projects with 15 different international
International awards:
1) Marquis Who's Who in the World -2009 edition-U.S.A
2) 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 2009/2010- International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England
3) Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (one of the top ten reviewer in the world)- Elsevier and American Association of Endodontists, USA- 2014
4) Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (one of the top ten reviewer in the world) - Elsevier and American Association of Endodontists, USA- 2016
5) Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Investigator- Vista Dental, USA- 2017
6) Publons Peer Review Award, New Zealand, for one of the top 10 reviewer in the world in the field of Dentistry, 2017.
7) Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (one of the top ten reviewer in the world)- Elsevier and Journal of Dentistry, 2017.
8) Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (one of the top ten reviewer in the world)- Elsevier and Journal of Herbal Medicine, 2018.
9) Publons Peer Review Award, New Zealand, for one of the top 1% reviewer in Clinical Medicine in the world, 2018.
10) Publons Peer Review Award, New Zealand, for one of the top 1% reviewer in Clinical Medicine in the world, 2019.
Guest lectures delivered:
1) “Innovative Materials & Techniques in Endodontics”- Dentistry in the light of Innovation- Ribeirão Preto, Brazil- 29th-31st August 2012.
2) “Recent advances in root canal irrigants”- 14th IACDE/IES PG Convention, Dharwad- 7-9 June 2013.
3) “Root canal irrigants- Curb the Curls”- CAESOK 4th PG convention and 12th Midterm meet, Trissur, Kerala-15-16 March 2014.
4) “Recent advances in root canal irrigation”- Clinical Society Meeting, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai- 18th September 2014.
5) “Current trends in root canal disinfection”- Recapituation- Evolving trends, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai- 19th September 2014.
6) “Research Methodology- Navigate intricacies, Create possibilities”- RESTOR ENDOII, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore- 29th June 2016.
7) “Scientific Writing” -Nurture thoughts, Venture possibilities- Meet the Experts, Seminar Series, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal- 15th October 2016.
8) “Craft of Scientific Writing”- Focus on possibilities, Create Opportunities- Department of Biochemistry, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal- 17th October, 2016.
9) “Endodontic Irrigants- An Update”- 3rd PG Colloquium, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai- 7th August 2017.
10) “EPISTEMICS” - Craft of Scientific Writing- Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal- 4th May 2018.
11) “Scientific Writing”- Post graduate Orientation Programme, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, 7th June 2018.
12) “Endodontic Irrigants- An Update”- International Conference on Dentistry and Oral Health, Bangkok, Thailand, 3rd- 4th September, 2018.
13) “Root Canal Irrigating Systems- Tools vs Gadgets”- 33rd IACDE National Conference, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, 16-18th November, 2018.
14) “Cues and Craft of Scientific Writing”- A B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, 19th February 2019.
15) “Endodontic Irrigants- An Update (Evidence Based)”- Trivandrum Endodontic Society, Kerala, 17th April 2019.
16) “Journal Club Presentation”- Post graduate Orientation Programme, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, 14th May 2019.
17) “Recent Advances in Root Canal Irrigants”- “ENDO MEET 2019”- IDA Udupi District Branch, Udupi, 21st July 2019.
18) IACDE Panel discussion on “Demystifying Cleaning Dynamics of the Root Canal System”- 24 July 2020 (Online).
19) “Critical Appraisal of Scientific Article”- Department of Biochemistry, KMC, Manipal, 3rd September 2020 (Online).
20) “How to Review a Manuscript- An analyst’s paradise”- First Endodontology Annual Symposium on Research and Publication, 6th June 2021 (Online).
21) “Research to Publication- Tips and Tricks”- Rajarajeshwari Dental College and Hospital, Bangalore, 6th July 2021 (Online).
22) “Chemical Root Canal Debridement”- The 21st Scientific Congress of Asia Pacific Endodontic Confederation & 16th International Congress of Lebanese Society of Endodontology, Bierut, Lebanon, 9-11 September 2021 (Online).
23) “Journal Club Presentation”- Post graduate Orientation Programme, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, 06th November 2021.
24) “Documenting Research in Quality Journals- Facts & Experiences”- 36th IACDE National Conference and 21st IACDE National PG Convention, KAHER’s V.K. Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi, 19th, 20th & 21th November 2021.
25) “Article Writing and Publication”- PG Orientation Programme, Bharati VidyaPeeth, Dental College and Hospital, Sangli, 19th January 2022.
26) “Root Canal Irrigants- Demystified”-“THEN AND NOW”: UPDATE ON PAIN MANAGEMENT AND IRRIGTION PROTOCOL IN ENDODONTICS- Manubhai Patel Dental College, Vadodara in collaboration with Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, 4 May 2022.
27) “Discover Your Research Skills in Scientific Writing”- Student Research Forum, MCODS, Manipal, 9 June 2022.
28) “Retreatment Strategies: Surgical vs Non-Surgical”- 1st Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics (ACE) Karnataka National Conference, A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, NITTE, Mangalore, 7-9 July 2022.
29) “Root Canal Irrigants- Then and Now”- International Meeting on Endodontics, Gazi University, Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara, Turkey, 6 October 2022.
30) “Appraisal of Journal Article”- Post graduate Orientation Programme, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, 07th November 2022.
International Funding:
Subject | Semester / Year |
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD (Doctorate of Philosophy) | MCODS, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka | 2011 | |
MDS (Masters of Dental Surgery) | Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | MCODS, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka | 2004 |
BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) | SDMCDS, Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka | 1998 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
MCODS Manipal | Professor | October 2020 - Till date | |
MCODS Manipal | Additional Professor | January 2013 - September 2020 | |
MCODS Manipal | Associate Professor | July 2009 - December 2012 | |
MCODS Manipal | Reader | July 2007 - June 2009 | |
MCODS Manipal | Assistant Professor | July 2004 - June 2007 |
Antimicrobial action of chlorhexidine and calcium hydroxide
Scopus Id : 13410672500
17th FODI, 10th IES conference, Mangalore, 12-15 November, 2002.
Antimicrobial action of chlorhexidine and calcium hydroxide-II
4th All India PG convention, Hyderabad, 9-11 May, 2003.
In vitro sustained release of calcium hydroxide ions and ph maintenance from different vehicles containing calcium hydroxide
24th FODI, 17th IES conference, Cochin, Kerala, 13-15, November 2009.
Susceptibility of candida albicans and enterococcus faecalis to chitosan, chlorhexidine gluconate and their combination
20th South East Asia Association for Dental Education, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 23-24, November, 2009.
Esthetic rehabilitation of extensive erosive lesions caused by cola soft drink by a multidisciplinary approach- A case report
4th national conference of Indian society of prosthodontics, restorative, periodontics, Dharwad, 22-24, July 2011
Esthetic rehabilitation of a disfigured tooth
5th national conference of Indian society of prosthodontics, restorative, periodontics, Mangalore, 24- 26 August, 2012.
Wettability of root canal sealers on intraradicular dentin treated with different irrigating solutions- FDI/CDA/SLDA joint international conference and 80th anniversary annual scientific sessions of Sri Lanka Dental Association
Sri Lanka, 28-30 June, 2013.
Carious fused teeth- Esthetic management
18th FODI, 11th IES conference, Varanasi, 1-3 November, 2003. Knockout the smear layer with acid wash, 19th FODI, 12th IES conference, Bangalore, 7-9 January, 2005.
Anatomy and clinical applications of Mandibular nerve
Poster presentation at 22nd SEAADE annual meeting on 29-30th October 2011 held at Singapore.
The effect of chlorine dioxide on Enterococcus faecalis at exponential, stationary and starvation phase in human root canals
Poster presentation at 26th IADR annual scientific meeting on 3-4th November 2012 held at Hong-Kong.
Comparison of antimicrobial efficacy of Withania somnifera, sodium hypochlorite,Triphala against Enterococcus faecalis biofilms
Poster presentation at 2nd meeting of IADR asia pacific region meeting on 21-23rd august 2013 held At Bangkok.
Area of Interest
Area of Expertise
Irrigating solutions
Area of Research
Smear layer, irrigating solutions, Endodontic Disinfection, Vital Pulp Therapy
.Comparison of the efficacy of maleic acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in smear layer removal from instrumented human root canal
Sreenesh Kandian Kadengodlu Seetharama Kundabala Mala
An SEM study- Journal of Endodontics 2009;35(11):1573-1576.
In vitro sustained release of calcium ions and pH maintenance in the local vicinity from different vehicles containing calcium hydroxide
Gopal Venktesh Shavi Ranjith Kumar Mala Kundabala Kadengodlu Seetharama Bhat
Journal of Endodontics 2010;36(5) 862-866
Evaluation of chemical interactions of maleic acid with sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine gluconate
Sudheer Moorkoth Kundabala Mala Kadengodlu Seetharama Bhat Syed Sajjad Hussen
. Journal of Endodontics 2011;37:1402-1405. +Shriram Pathak
Wettability of root canal sealers on intraradicular dentin treated with different irrigating solutions.
Adlyn Tweeny Khaled Khechen K. Narayan Prabhu Satyanarayan
+ Franklin R Tay
Effect of maleic acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on the shear bond strength of RealSeal SE sealer to root canal dentin
AdlynTweeny James Craig Baumgartner Kishore Ginjupalli Vidya Saraswathi
European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2013;21(4):152-156
Non Surgical Management of Large Periapical Lesions Using Calcium Hydroxide - A Report of Two Cases
2016-18-10 Nidambur Vasudev Ballal Isha Jain
The Journal of Dentist, 2016, 4, 24-29
Endodontic Management of Aberrant Root Canal Anatomy in Premolars - A Report of Two Cases
Himanshu Jain Nidambur Vasudev Ballal
Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions 3(1):008-011.
Evaluation of Chlorine Dioxide Irrigation Solution on the Microhardness and Surface Roughness of Root Canal Dentin
Nidambur Vasudev Ballal Deepika Khandewal Saravana Karthikeyan Krishnaraj Somayaji Federico Foschi
The European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry 23.3 (2015): 135-40.
Evaluation of antifungal efficacy of 5% doxycycline hydrochloride, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate against candida albicans- An invitro study
2005-01-01 Dr Himani Lau
Determination of calcium loss and its effect on micro-hardness of root canal dentin following treatment with 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solution at different time interval- an invitro study
2006-01-01 Dr Deepa
Comparison of the efficacy of maleic acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in smear layer removal from instrumented human root canal- A scanning electron microscopic study
2007-01-01 Dr Sreenesh Kandian
Comparative evaluation of antifungal efficacy of cymbopogan citratus
2010-01-01 Dr Adlyn Tweeny
Comparative evaluation of accuracy of two electronic apex locators with radiograph- An ex vivo study
2011-01-01 Dr Deepika