Dr Rajesh Kamath
Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Sports Coordinator, PSPH
Department of Health Care and Hospital Management
- Teaching and Mentoring postgraduate and under graduate students
- Guiding Post graduate research
- Developing manuscripts for peer reviewed journals
- Lesson Planning and Syllabus revision
- Conducting workshops on relevant topics
Subject | Semester / Year |
Organisational Behaviour ( MHA ) | Year I |
Industrial Laws and Medico-Legal Issues in Healthcare | Year I |
Quality in Healthcare | Year I |
Surveillance of Disease (SAP - Study Abroad Program) | Spring and Fall semesters |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MHA (Master of Hospital Administration) | Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India | 2011 | |
MBBS | Kasturba Medical College, Manipal | 2006 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
PSPH | Assistant Professor - Senior Scale | Academics and Research | October 2019 to Present |
PSPH | Assistant Professor | Academics and Research | October 2013 to Present |
WHO | Surveillance Medical Officer | AFP Surveillance | May 2011 to July 2013 |
Area of Interest
Health Insurance, Health Economics
Area of Expertise
Public Health, Hospital Administration
Area of Research
Hospital Administration, Epidemiology, Public Health
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
· Academic Editor at Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism – Hindawi Group of Journals
· External Examiner for MBA Health Care Administration at KLE University, Belgaum, India
· External Examiner for MBA Hospital Administration at JSS (Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeswara) University, Mysuru
· Reviewer for several Scopus Indexed Journals
Shortcomings in India's first national attempt at universal healthcare through publicly funded health insurance
2020 Kamath, S Kamath, R
(2020) Postgraduate Medical Journal, 96 (1138), pp. 449-450.
Prevalence of non-strabismic binocular vision dysfunction in a hospital based population
2020 Mandal, R Kamath, R
(2020) Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 14 (3), pp. 808-812.
COVID-19 pandemic in India: Challenges and silver linings
2020 Kamath, S Kamath, R Salins, P
(2020) Postgraduate Medical Journal, 96 (1137), pp. 422-423.
Pregnancy and ayurveda
2020 Hadapad, B.S Nayak, A.V Mabry, G D’ Souza, R.M.C Kamath, R
(2020) International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (9 Special Issue), pp. 1921-1928.
Issues and concerns related to promoting ayurveda
2020 Madhusudhana, K Kamath, R Jain, P Shripathi Adiga, H Hebbar, K.R
(2020) International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (2), pp. 3071-3077.
Cost analysis of linen management at a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India: A retrospective study
2020 Sharma, A Kamath, R Karra, S.T Chandermani, Nair, R Kamath, S
(2020) International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (2), pp. 2464-2479.
Should there be a recommended upper limit for the acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) rate?
2020 Jain, P Salins, P Reshma Sharma, Z Kamath, S Kamath, R
(2020) International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (2), pp. 3415-3417.
Prevention of disease and promotion of health: Can ayush show the path?
2020 Madhusudhana, K Salins, P Jain, P Shripathi Adiga, H Hebbar, K.R Kamath, R
(2020) International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (4), pp. 1510-1517.
Surveillance Strategies for the COVID-19 Virus in India
2020 Kamath, S Kamath, R Sharma, Z Salins, P Madhusudhana, K Venkatesh, P.D Mandal, R Byndoor, R.
(2020) Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (3), pp. 818-820.
Costing of sterilisation in the central sterile supply department(CSSD) of a tertiary care corporate hospital in South India
2019 Kakinada, K Kamath, R Koyi, C.T Songa, I.R Kamath, S
(2019) International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28 (20), pp. 436-446.
Association between work motivation and job satisfaction among nurses in the clinical settings in India
2019 Rajan, A.V Soni, K.D Roja, V.R Kamath, R
(2019) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10 (12), pp. 1940-1943.
The impact of artificial intelligence on healthcare
2019 Sharma, Z Pranav, V Chauhan, A Ashok, L D’Souza, A Malarout, N Kamath, R
(2019) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10 (8), pp. 189-194.
Ancient drug standardization versus modern technology
2019 Hadapad, B.S Nayak, A.V Sharma, A Kamath, R
(2019) Medico-Legal Update, 19 (2), pp. 276-279.
Assessment of health literacy rates and implementation of teach back method in a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India
2019 Mohammed, F.N Kamath, R Somu, G D’Souza, B
(2019) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10 (6), pp. 56-61.
Factors contributing to workplace violence against doctors in a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India
2019 Dixit, S D’Souza, B Singh, R Thomas, J Somu, G Kamath, R
(2019) Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 13 (3), pp. 108-113.
A study on adherence to international patient safety goals in a tertiary care cardiac centre in India
2019 Ananya, R Kamath, S Pati, A Sharma, A Raj, A Soman, B Kamath, R.
(2019) Medico-Legal Update, 19 (2), pp. 211-215.
Knowledge and attitudes of mental health professionals regarding informed consent and patient confidentiality in clinical practice and research in udupi district
2019 Vidyashree, S.V Kamath, S Kamble, T Malarout, N Aswathi Raj, L Soman, B Kamath, R
(2019) Medico-Legal Update, 19 (2), pp. 181-184.
An assessment of perceived stress levels and coping strategies for the same among married women clerical employees in a tertiary care teaching hospital
2019 Jeppu, S Kamath, R D’souza, I Raj, A Soman, B Sharma, A Kerkar, P
(2019) Medico-Legal Update, 19 (2), pp. 151-159.
Estimation of financial burden to victims of ocular injuries presenting to a tertiary care hospital in Coastal Karnataka
2019 Vittal, A Pati, A Munikrishna, R Paul, P Singh, A.P Malarout, N Kamath, R
(2019) Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 13 (3), pp. 102-107.
Epidemiological analysis of ocular injuries in a tertiary care teaching hospital in coastal karnataka
2019 Vittal, A Kamath, R Muniksrishna, R D’Souza, B Kamath, S Aswathi Raj, L Soman, B
(2019) Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 13 (2), pp. 128-131.
Quality of life in major burn patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital in south india
2019 Tiwari, P Kamath, R D’Souza, B Kamath, S Pati, A Bhagat, P Keerthi Haripriya, D
(2019) Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 13 (2), pp. 153-157.
A study on the knowledge and awareness among dental students of mercury toxicity and amalgam disposal
2019 Niang, C.M Kamath, R Pati, A Sharma, A D’Souza, B Bhat, S.R Kamath, S
(2019) Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 13 (2), pp. 108-114.
Introduction of a universal EMR integrated online healthcare management system mobile app in hospitals throughout India and its benefits to patients, hospitals and governments
2019 Jacob, B Kamath, R
(2019) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10 (2), pp. 228-233.
A review on plasma glucose: Preventing mongering of Madhumeha
2019 Hadapad, B.S Nayak, A.V Kamath, R
(2019) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10 (2), pp. 224-227.
Mobile phone dependency and self-esteem among adolescents
2019 Rai, A Kamath, R Kamath, L D’Souza, B
(2019) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10 (2), pp. 340-350.
Engineering green hospitals: An imperative for a sustainable future
2019 Kamath, S Kamath, R Kamath, L Salins, P Soman, B Raj, A D’Souza, R.M.C
(2019) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10 (2), pp. 538-544.
The need for the internet of Life (IOL) - A cloud enabled architecture for healthcare stakeholders
2019 Kamath, S Kamath, R Sharma, A D’Souza, B
(2019) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, (1), pp. 179-185.
Maxillofacial injuries and its implications on economic burden in trauma victims
2019 Giriyan, K Kamath, R D'Souza, B Kamath, S Bhat, S.R
(2019) Medico-Legal Update, 19 (1), pp. 76-81.
Implications of maxillofacial injuries on quality of life in trauma victims
2019 Giriyan, K Kamath, R D'Souza, B Kamath, S Bhat, S.R
(2019) Medico-Legal Update, 19 (1), pp. 70-75.
Evaluation of biomedical equipment maintenance management in a tertiary care teaching hospital
2019 D’souza, R D’ Souza, B Unnikrishnan, B Shetty, A Kamath, R
(2019) Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 12 (1), pp. 202-208.
Green buildings: Sustainable construction principles
2019 Kamath, S Kamath, R D’Souza, B Soman, B Raj, A Kamath, L
(2019) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10 (1), pp. 1882-1892.
Cost analysis of endoscopic procedures in a tertiary care hospital in South India
2019 Umesha, P Somu, G Mavaji, A Kamath, R D’Souza, B Kamath, S
(2019) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, (1), pp. 968-977.
Study of the impact of quality of patient care on discharge against medical advice patients in a tertiary care hospital
2019 Aswathi Raj, L Kamath, R Somu, G Soman, B D'Souza, B Kamath, S Bhat, S.R
(2019) Medico-Legal Update, 19 (1), pp. 82-88.
The development of a web portal for an assisted reproduction center in South India and an analysis of its efficacy
2019 Munikrishna, R Kavitha, T.C Venkataramanaiah Somu, G Kamath, R D’souza, B Kamath, S
(2019) Medico-Legal Update, 19 (1), pp. 147-151.
An overview of systematic linguistic genocide in Pakistan
2018 Kamath, S Kamath, R D’Souza, B
(2018) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9 (13), pp. 1691-1697.
Workflow optimization in OPD billing services in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Karnataka: A smart card based system
2018 Shetty, K.V Kamath, R Dsouza, B.C Somu, G
(2018) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9 (13), pp. 1264-1274.
The formulation of an energy management program in a tertiary care hospital in coastal Karnataka
2018 Kamath, S Kamath, R Billore, S Vyas, N
(2018) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9 (13), pp. 259-276.
Assessment of healthcare systems across BRICS nations, what India can learn from the rest?
2018 Hisham, S Dsouza, B.C Rasheed, S.A Kamath, R Mishra, A.V
(2018) Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 12 (12), pp. IE01-IE04.
Knowledge of disease management among maintenance hemodialysis patients in coastal Karnataka – A cross sectional pilot study
2018 D’souza, B Kamath, R Prabhu, R Unnikrishnan Kamath, S
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (11), pp. 33-37.
Informal healthcare providers in india: Illegal and indispensable
2018 Kamath, S Kamath, R Kamath, R D’souza, B
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (10), pp. 35-38.
System analysis of biomedical waste management across health care clinics of Udupi taluk
2018 Tony, G Kumar, N Dsouza, B Kamath, R Kamath, S
(2018) Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University, 13 (4), pp. 199-201.
Self perceived hand hygiene among student health professionals in a tertiary care teaching hospital in southern india
2018 Kausar, H Kamath, R D’souza, B Kamath, S Kamath, R
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (10), pp. 116-120.
Epidemiology of burn injuries in a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India
2018 Tiwari, P Kavitha, T.C Kamath, R D’souza, B Roja, V.R Kamath, S
(2018) Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 12 (4), pp. 206-209.
Health status of under five children living in urban slums
2018 Roja, V.R Galhotra, A Rajan, A.V Malarout, N Pateria, S Kamath, R
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (10), pp. 195-201.
Epidemiological pattern of hand injuries and impact of machine-cut hand injuries in a tertiary care hospital in South India
2018 Gupta, A Kamath, R Bhat, A Sekaran, V.C Salins, P D’souza, B Kamath, S
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (9), pp. 100-105.
Financial feasibility of selected cardiology surgeries under community based health insurance schemes in a tertiary care hospital in South India
2018 Harikrishnan, P Ashok, L D’lima, K.S Janodia, M D’souza, I Malarout, N Kamath, R
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (8), pp. 129-136.
Effectiveness of an intervention module in improving the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding diabetic retinopathy in diabetic individuals in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Coastal Karnataka
2018 Pagadala, T Kavitha, T.C Giriyan, K Haripriya, K Paul, P Singh, A.P Kamath, R
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (8), pp. 198-204.
Planning an energy management program based on hospital electricity consumption in a tertiary care hospital in South India
2018 Billore, S Kavitha, T.C Malarout, N Pati, A Aswathi Raj, L Soman, B Kamath, R
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (8), pp. 344-350.
Study of bed allocation and utilisation in a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India
2018 Banu, N Ashok, L Malarout, N Chouhan, Z Haripriya, K Naidu, G.S Kamath, R
(2018) Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (8), pp. 143-148.
An assessment of the perceptions in the general population of sexual harassment
2018 Ramesh, A Kamath, S Kamath, R D’souza, B
(2018) Medico-Legal Update, 18 (2), pp. 132-137.
Awareness among doctors of a medical college in southern india of guidelines and protocols for medico-legal care for survivors/victims of sexual violence
2018 Bhagat, P Kamath, R D’souza, B Kamath, S Kamath, R
(2018) Medico-Legal Update, 18 (2), pp. 117-122.
Business Process Re-engineering for Bed Allocation Process in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Mumbai
2018 Lotlikar, V Dsouza, B Kamath, R Apuri, N
(2018) Journal of Health Management, 20 (2), pp. 136-143.
Comparative analysis of cost of biomedical waste management across varying bed strengths in rural India
2018 D'Souza, B.C Seetharam, A.M Chandrasekaran, V Kamath, R
(2018) International Journal of Healthcare Management, 11 (1), pp. 38-43.
Effect of multidimensional educational interventions among dialysis patients
2018 D’souza, B Prabhu, R Unnikrishnan, B Kamath, R
(2018) Open Urology and Nephrology Journal, 11 (1), pp. 72-78.
Operational feasibility of short stay surgical unit in a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India
2018 Aggarwal, R Kamath, R D'Souza, B Mavaji, A Kamath, S
(2018) Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 11 (2), pp. 728-731.
Need assessment and operational feasibility indices for a geriatric inpatient facility in a tertiary care teaching hospital
2018 Vasudha, C.K Dsouza, B Unnikrishnan, B Kamath, R Apuri, N
(2018) International Journal of Healthcare Management
Inventory management using matrix analysis and inventory index in an oncology pharmacy of a tertiary care teaching hospital
2018 Subratha, C Kumar, N Souza, B.D Mavaji, A Kamath, R
(2018) Journal of Young Pharmacists, 10 (1), pp. 78-81.
An assessment of the public healthcare infrastructure deficiency in a district of Bihar state of India
2017 Kamath, S Kamath, R D’Souza, B
(2017) Postgraduate Medical Journal, 93 (1105), pp. 710-711.
Factors Influencing patients in hospital selection and satisfaction with inpatient services
2017 George, S Kamath, R D'Souza, B Kamath, S Kamath, R
(2017) Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 11 (4), pp. 1653-1656.
Does India really not have enough money to spend on healthcare?
2017 Kamath, S Kamath, R
(2017) Postgraduate Medical Journal, 93 (1103), p. 567.
Study on patient perspectives on the promptness and quality of care of road traffic accident victims in a tertiary care hospital in South India
2017 Rajendiran, D Kamath, R Sekaran, V.C Shroff, D.D D'Souza, B Kamath, S
(2017) Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 11 (3), pp. 1208-1211.
Death on the roads
2017 Kamath, R
(2017) Economist (United Kingdom), 413 (9034)
My good friend, the humble house to house vaccinator
2017 Kamath, S Kamath, R D'souza, B
(2017) Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 11 (2), pp. 807-808.
Deprescribing in India: Will we ever get down to it?
2017 Kamath, R Kamath, S
(2017) European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 24 (2), p. 136.
Letter to the Editor
2017 Kamath, R
(2017) Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 31 (3), pp. 216-217.
Letter to the editor
2017 Kamath, S Kamath, R D'Souza, B
(2017) Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 11 (1), p. 332
A study on awareness of Medicolegal aspects among practicing doctors in a tertiary care hospital
Shivan Tyagi
PG, MHA; 2011-13 Batch - 4th semester