Background: Knowledge of the blood group in a victim would reduce the number of antemortem records to be screened. Blood groups are not only expressed in the RBC's but also by other cells of the body which can be utilized to identify the blood group of the individual. Objectives: The study was conducted to determine the reliability of use of dental pulp in determining the ABO blood group. Material and Methods : 44 samples of extirpated pulp were obtained from teeth of a patient undergoing RCT due to trauma. The blood group was determined from the pulp tissue using absorption-elution method. Results: The results showed 85% accuracy to determine the correct blood group, from normal pulp which was processed immediately whereas, pulp placed under hydrostatic pressure for 48 hours showed marginally 79.1% accuracy. Conclusion: The pulpal tissue is well protected inside the teeth and could resist adverse environmental conditions where the blood group antigen from pulp remains stable for long. Thus, the high potential value of dental pulpal tissue is highlighted in this study.
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