Purpose: To evaluate the effect of eugenol containing provisional luting agents on tensile bond strength and failure mode of self-adhesive resin cement system at different time intervals. 1”Iaterials and 1Iethod: Sixty freshly extracted premolars having standardized mesiodistal width of 3mm, buccolingual dimension of 6mm and height of 3mm were randomly divided into 4 experimental groups (ni 5) according to the exposure time to eugenol; no exposure-CG, 24hour(h) exposure- 1G, 7days- 7G and i4days- 14G. Provisional crowns (DPI —self cure Tooth Moulding Powder) were fabricated for all specimens except the control group(CG) , cemented using eugenol containing temporary cement (Kaizinol; DPI)and stored in a water bath for the allocated time period. Permanent crown were fabricated with Ni- Cr alloy (Wirolloy) and cemented with Self-Adhesive Resin Cement (RelyX U200) . Universal testing machine (2nim/min) was used to determine the tensile load testing. The mode of fracture was Analysed at a magnification of 10 X using stereomicroscope. The results were analyzed with 1 -way ANOVA (a=.05) followed by a Tukey B post hoc test. Results: Macro tensile bond strength for CG (5.61 Mpa ± 0.83) was significantly higher than 1G (3.03 Mpa±0.87) (p<.OO i).There was no significant difference between 7G (4.29 Mpa±0.69) and 14G (4.95 Mpa±0.75). The significant mode was adhesive failure for 1G (78.6%), other specimens demonstrated predominantly a mixed failure. Conclusion: The tensile bond strength is significantly reduced if the permanent cementation is carried out within 24 h of provisional cementation of eugenol containing temporary cement.