Receiver Operator Characteristics Curve: A Novel Technique of Assessment of Sequence of Eruption

J. Indian Anthrop. Soc. 50:39-49(2015)

2015-04-12 Dentistry

Sequence of tooth emergence is an essential tool for diagnosis, treatment planning as well as in forensic odontology. Accuracy of treatment or personal identification depends on the sequence of emergence of teeth which is given in the literature. The emergence sequence varies according to the race/ethnicity/ gender etc. Accurate estimation of sequence of eruption requires a meticulous longitudinal study that follows a child until all the teeth have emerged. The present paper attempts to estimate the tooth eruption sequence of the permanent dentition in children of Dakshina Kannada Region from cross-sectional data using the new Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) Curve and the established Probit analysis. In this cross sectional study, the number of teeth present in the dental records of 2536 children of known age and gender (age range of 6–14 years) were recorded. The results show that the duration of acquisition of the entire permanent dentition is much shorter when compared with results derived from previous anthropological studies. Precedence in emergence is seen in females for all teeth with the exception of the mandibular central incisors. Key words: Receiver Operator Characteristic curve, Probit analysis, sequence of tooth eruption, Indian Population, tooth emergence.