About the Centre:
Today’s changing landscape in drug development requires a change in regulatory practices and the regulatory framework we have constructed to deliver on the promise of bringing efficacious and safe drugs to patients. We work towards this vision by bringing together experts from different disciplines to advance regulatory science nationally and internationally. The research we conduct aims to advance the field of regulatory science in India and globally. Furthermore, the curriculum designed and developed by the centre in the academic program aim to equip and develop the future workforce with the necessary knowledge and professional skills. Dr. TMA Pai Endowment Chair in regulatory science is providing a seed endowment to the centre.
Academic Activities:

Courses Offered:
Executive course on Drug Development and Regulatory Science:
Executive Training Program on Drug Development and Regulatory Science is delivered by Centre for Regulatory Science, Prasanna School of Public Health (PSPH), MAHE, European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM), University of Basel, Switzerland and Roche, India.
Eligibility: Experienced employees working in Pharmaceutical ecosystem (biotechnology companies, CRO's, pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agency, government agency, generic industry, academia, etc.) that are looking to specialise in Regulatory Affairs and get a broad overview of current topics and future trends in drug development
Fees: INR 2,00,000 (For Government employees: INR 1,50,000)
Link to Register: https://tinyurl.com/RegulatoryScience
Last Date for Registration: October 31, 2022
Webinar: Regulatory Science Series:
Regulatory aspects of Personalised Healthcare – Global
The webinar was focused on the developments in regulatory science regarding the emerging fields of drug development and personalized healthcare
Dr T.M.A Pai Endowed Chair in regulatory science, PSPH, MAHE.
Senior Director, EUCAN Regulatory Affairs Team Lead, GI2, Regulatory Affairs, Takeda, Switzerland.
Email id: lada.leyens@takeda.com
Mail us @ regulatoryscience@manipal.edu