MCOPS is ranked in the range of 151-200 in QS World University Rankings March, 2024
Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MCOPS) has found its name in the top 151-200 colleges in the QS World University ranking in the Pharmacy and Pharmacology category. The ranking was based on four parameters: 1) Academic reputation 2) Employer reputation 3) Research citations per paper from Scopus database and 4) H-index. Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) based in USA, analyses universities across the globe. This year, QS has introduced ranking in a total of 46 disciplines; ‘Pharmacy & Pharmacology’ is one among them.
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Ranked No. 8 among pharmacy institutions by the national institutional ranking framework (NIRF), MHRD, Government of India (August 2024)
Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, hitherto ranked as No.8 among the pharmacy colleges of India, has now got the stamp of approval from the union Human Resource Development ministry as the best college of its type in the country. It is the recognition of the quality of education imparted to the aspiring pharmacists in this premier institution. In its 61st year of existence, MCOPS boasts of the finest infrastructure, qualified faculty with a staff-student ratio of 1:12 and excellent facilities for academic and co-curricular activities. Research is a priority at MCOPS and faculty and postgraduate students and doctoral candidates are involved in carrying out work in areas of high importance affecting health and disease.
MCOPS has in its rolls students from all over India, who enter the portals of the institution after passing competitive all-India admission tests. Merit alone counts at MCOPS. MCOPS attracts students from Africa, middle-east and many English-speaking countries.
MCOPS is a centre recognized by AICTE for Quality Improvement programmes. Round the year workshops, seminars, symposiums or colloquium are held here, keeping the institution an active beehive.
MCOPS has some of the top state-of-art instruments for quality research. The college and faculty are recipients of funding from national funding agencies like UGC, AICTE, DST, DBT, ICMR and so on. Student exchange programmes with some premier universities of Europe, USA and Australia have helped to bring MCOPS closer to some international institutions and thereby enhancing its global footprint and perception.
Now with HRD recognition as the numero Uno among the pharmacy colleges, MCOPS is bound to travel towards greater global recognition.
Ranked Number 2 amongst private pharmacy colleges in the country by Careers360, 2019.