- III Semester (BASLP) Class Coordinator
- Clinical in-charge: Extension postings Dr TMA Pai Hospital
- ISO Result analysis
- Clinical Supervision and patient care
- Guide: PhD/Dissertation/ Conferences / Paper presentations
- Teaching: Undergraduate
- Institutional Responsibility: Web Coordinator
Dr Archana G is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing at MCHP, Manipal.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Audiology | I Semester BASLP |
Aural Rehabilitation in Adults | VI Semester BASLP |
Auditory Disorders | II Semester Msc.Audiology |
Genetics of Hearing and Pediatric Audiology | III Semester Msc.Audiology |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD | Speech and Hearing | School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 2017 |
MSc | Speech and Hearing | School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 2010 |
BSc | Speech and Hearing | School of Allied Health Sciences,Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 2008 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Dept. of Speech & Hearing, MCHP, Manipal | Associate Professor | November 2017 - till date | |
Dept. of Speech & Hearing, Manipal College of Health Professions, Manipal | Assistant Professor Selection Grade | July 2016 - November 2017 | |
Dept. of Speech & Hearing, School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal | Assistant Professor –Senior Scale | July 2013 – July 2016 | |
Dept. of Speech & Hearing, School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal | Assistant Professor | January 2012-July 2013 | |
Dept. of Speech & Hearing, School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal | Lecturer | September 2010- January 2012 |
Area of Interest
Speech and Hearing
Area of Expertise
Area of Research
Audiology (Diagnostic Audiology, Aural rehabilitation)
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life member of Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)
- Life member of Indian Speech & Hearing Association (ISHA)
- Life member of Indian Speech and Hearing Association – Tamil Nadu(TAN-ISHA)
- Life member of Indian Speech & Hearing Association –Manipal Chapter
World Hearing Day WHO 2020.
Best poster: Cognitive function in the elderly population with hearing impairment. International Conference on Health care in the elderly 24th 25th January at KMC Hospital Attavar 2019.
Best Poster: Whole Word Complexity Measures in Sequential Bilingual Children from 5-6 years. Tamilnadu Chapter Indian Speech & Hearing Association (ISHACON) 2012.
Best Poster: Jugular Foramen Schwannomas – profiling the audiological characteristics International Symposium on Audiological Medicine Bhuvaneshwar 2011.
Best oral: Novice and Experienced Hearing Aid Users: A Comparative Study Using Degraded Speech AUDICON Manipal 2012.
Other achievements:
Organising secretary for the national conference (3 times) which is accredited by the Rehabilitative council of India.
Initiated Newborn baby hearing screening and hearing evaluation in Udupi T.M.A.Pai hospital Udupi
Published an awareness article in Arogyavani Udayavani Newspaper on prevention of hearing loss
Involved in hearing screening for Udupi district traffic police officer
Involved in Industrial noise measurement program and Hearing conservation program
Given lectures in different schools on different communication disorders
Clinical applications of Speech Evoked Cortical Auditory Potentials (SECAPs) in Pediatric Hearing assessment & Aural habilitation-A case report.
2015-01-01 Muhammed, A., Prabhu, P
Speech evoked cortical auditory potentials (SECAPs) are generated from the primary auditory areas of the brain in responses to an acoustic stimulation. Though, the cortical maturation is incomplete in young children, an exogenous potential recording with a speech stimulus would give a positive peak-P1 with a post stimulus latency of 120-150 ms. The potential clinical application of these evoked potentials are merely reported in scientific community due to its recording limitations and also due to the lack of clinical data. Therefore we report a clinical case, where cortical evoked potential measures are effectively used in paediatric assessment and in aural rehabilitation. Further, it would help in the widespread application of SECAP in clinical practice Global Research Analysis, 1(2), 88-89.
Perceptual challenges in auditory neural processing in neurodegenerative conditions like Fredereich Ataxia.
2012-02-01 Muhammed, A.
Friedreich ataxia (FA) is considered as a neurodegenerative disorder and is the most frequent type of hereditary ataxia. FA is characterized by degeneration in several spinal tracts, dorsal roots and peripheral nerves. Due to the disruption in the neural function, these individuals pose certain perceptual challenges in understanding speech in the presence of noise. Auditory nerve is considered as an important structure for the neural processing of acoustic sounds. Any break down in its function will result in auditory processing deficits. These difficulties can only be identified with detailed test battery approach which includes both behavioural and electrophysiological tests. Therefore in the present case study, we aim to highlight the auditory processing deficits in FA which resulted in the identification of auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) a rare neural disorder seen in individuals with FA. Further it sheds light in to the possible management options in individual with ANSD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, 1(2), 142-143.
Application of auditory evoked potential in differentially diagnosing jugular schwannoma from acoustic schwnnoma
Ayas, Safa
International journal of scientific research.1(3).79-81.
Can hormonal imbalance cause auditory neuropathy?
Ayas, Maya, Jyoti
International journal of scientific research, 1(3),77-79
Comparison of PMLU in Kannada speaking Down's syndrome and Typically Developing Children
2011-01-01 John, S., Mohite, S B Rajashekhar
Phonological Mean Length of Utterance, (PMLU) is a whole word measure for determining phonological proficiency and is one of the new tools for quantifying development of word forms in both normal and clinical population. Even though PMLU measures phonological proficiency, its utility in clinical populations like Down's syndrome is not clearly understood. Since there is a scarcity of information on PMLU measures, the present study focuses on comparing PMLU scores in Kannada speaking Down's syndrome and language age matched normal children. Two groups of Kannada speaking children were included in the study: Group 1 composed of normal children (n = 60 and chronological age of 3-4 years) matching the language age of group 2. Group 2 comprised of children with Down's syndrome (n = 35 and chronological age of 6-15 years) with mild to moderate mental retardation and expressive language age of 3-4 years. Picture naming task using Kannada Articulation test was done and 25 words were randomly selected for PMLU analysis. Samples were recorded using digital professional voice recorder and the children's utterances were calculated for PMLU measures. Obtained scores were analysed using SPSS 16.0 version by Independent t- test with p value kept at 0.05. The results revealed statistically significant difference in PMLU scores between Down's syndrome population and typically developing children. These reduced scores are indicative of poor whole word complexity in children with Down's syndrome. Findings of the study indicate that PMLU measure could be a benchmark in assessing the phonological skills in disordered population. Language in India, 11(5).
Jugular foramen schwannoma: profiling the audiological characteristics : a single case study
Safa, a., B Rajashekhar
international symposium audiological medicine journal, vol.2 (1), 5-6
Effect of progressive filtering of speech stimulus on abr and its correlation with behavioral speech perception
Rukmangathan, T.M, Hariprakash, P B Rajashekhar
International symposium audiological medicine journal, vol.2 (1), 1-2
Effectiveness of Multitalker Babble over Speech Noise and ItsImplications: A Comparative Study
HImaja Alisha
Indian Journal of otology Volume 24, issue :2,2018 (Scopus)
Analysis of communication strategies used by an individual with hearing impairment
Naresh Hande Archana Gundmi Krishna Yerrguntala Bellur Rajashekhar
Reasons for Non-Acceptance of Hearing Aid in Older Adults
2015-01-01 Ruth Shiny Dr.Krishna Y
Analysis of Communication Strategies Used by Hearing Impaired Individuals
Naresh Hande Dr.Krishna Y
Hearing aid acclimatization in adults with hearing impairment
2016-01-01 Sakti prasad mohanty Mr.Hariprakash
Adaptation of Hearing Handicap scale in Kannada
2016-01-01 Lenin Mr.Kishan
Comparison of cognitive function in hearing impaired elderly population
Amrutha Ms.Bhargavi
Effect of Carnatic music listening training on speech in noise performance in older adults.
Raksha Dr.Kishan
Factors influencing consumer satisfaction with hearing aids
Basid Dr.Kanaka
Knowledge and attitude towards infant hearing loss of parents residing in urban and rural areas
2020 Gladen