Dr. Shwetha T S
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Clinical Psychology
Qualification: MSc., MPhil Clinical Psychology., Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Ethics., PhD Psychology
- Clinical Consultant
- Teaching UG, PG and MPhil
- Internal and External Examiner
- Supervising Community Posting
- ISO co-coordinator
- Member of Stroke Rehabilitation Clinic
- Member of Institutional Research Committee(IRC) and DAC Member.
Dr Shwetha T S is Associate Professor in Department of Clinical Psychology –Manipal College of Health Professions, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal.
In addition to the teaching responsibilities of M.Phil. & M.Sc. Clinical Psychology,
She is:
Subject | Semester / Year |
Qualitative Research | Third semester |
CBT | Fourth Semester |
Behavioural Medicine | II MPhil Students |
Psychotherapy and counseling | II MPhil Students |
Psychosocial foundations of behavior | I MPhil Students |
Psychological Testing | I MPhil Students |
Clinical Psychology | BASLP,BPT,RRT,CVT,RT,BOT |
Clinical Psychology | PSW.PG Psychiatry |
Psychological Testing | BSc, MSc Nursing |
Psychotherapy Processes | MSc third semester |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
M.Sc. | Clinical and Counseling | SDMPG College and Research Studies | 2007 |
M.Phil. | Clinical Counseling | Institute of Rehabilitation Center | 2011 |
Postgraduate Diploma | Clinical Ethics | Yenepoya University in collaboration with Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany | 2016 |
PhD | Psychology | SDMPG College and Research Studies Mangalore University | 2017 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Oxford College of Arts | Lecturer | Teaching | 2 years |
Department of Psychiatry & Peadiatrics | Assistant Professor | Clinical and Teaching | 5 years 6 months |
Departement of Clinical Psychology,Manipal College of Health Professions(MCHP) | Assistant Professor | Teaching faculty and Clinical supervisor | 7th August 2017 – 26th April 2022 |
Departement of Clinical Psychology,Manipal College of Health Professions(MCHP) | Associate Professor | Clinical training, Psychotherapy supervision, Consultation, teaching | April 27th 2022 - till date |
Anxiety Sensitivity in Panic Disorder
Principle investigator Research Period :2009-2011
Children of Devadasis-A Psychosocial Research
2016 Publication of APA Division 35 Section IV Shwetha.T.S
Principle investigator Research period: 2011-2016
Area of Interest
Child and Adolescent, Sexuality and Special Populations, Anxiety Disorders, Child Sexual Abuse, Cultural Studies and Environmental Psychology/Science
Area of Expertise
Research, Clinical and Teaching
Area of Research
Cultural Studies, Special Population, Anxiety Disorders
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Professional Affiliations:
S.D.M. College, Alumni Association (P.G. Department Psychology): Life Member
Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP) : Life member
Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist(IACP) : Life member
Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists (ASECT): Life member
Social Scientist in Ethics Committee(A.J.I.M.S) :2012 to 2017
Anti-Ragging Committee (A.J.I.M.S) :2012 to 2017
- Merit Award for highest marks in Optional Kannada Language for all 3 Years in B.A.
- Certificate of Appreciation for working with Disable people given by Samarthana Trust for the Disabled.
- Research paper entitled: Anxiety Sensitivity in Panic Disorder received Best Paper Award Presented at 41st National Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist, 2015.
- Ph.D. Research paper entitled: Devadasi system and Social exclusion –A qualitative study was awarded as Best Paper at International Conference on Women Empowerment & Social Sciences, March 05–07,2015, The American College in collaboration with International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, India.
- Received best paper award for paper titled: Inhibitory Control and Irrational Procrastination among Students with Social media addiction in 57th national and 26th international conference of Indian academy of applied psychology(IAAP) organized by Department of Clinical Psychology, Mizoram university from 27th to 29th January,2022
- BOS –Member of SDM Degree College, Ujire, DK.
- BOS-Member for Mangalore University, Mangalore.
- BOE-Member of SDM PG college,Ujire nominated by Mangalore University for 2019-2022
Multidisciplinary Approach to Road Rage-A Critical Review
Shwetha .T.S Seemanthini.T.S
Handbook of Management and Behavioral Science, Delhi, India , Vol-VII, June, Wisdom Publications 2012
Absence of father figure and its repercussions on children of devadasis
Shwetha.T.S. Manjula.M.Y
International Journal of Psycho Social Research, December,Volume-III,No.2,2014
Devadasi system and social exclusion –A qualitative study
Shwetha.T.S Manjula.M.Y
No Human Rights International Research Journal,2015, Volume: III, Issue:1
Devadasi system and its impact on their children
Shwetha.T.S. Manjula.M.Y
Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume:5,Issue : 1,Jan,2015.
Social and nonsocial cognition in bipolar disorders, first degree relatives and Healthy Controls
2020 Shwetha.T.S Uma.M.G.
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, Volume XX, Issue X, DOI: 10.1177/0253717620957936.
Early bonding, Parenting Styles and Temperament: Association between three-generational Aspect of Parenting
2020 Shwetha.T.S Husena Dhariwala
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, December 2020, Vol. 11, No. 12.
From Musings to Paper: Mindfulness and Mind Wandering among Expressive Artists
2021 Shwetha .T.S Avneet Kaur
Psychology and Education Journal, Volume 58,Issue 5,Page No-1399-1407.
Effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions on wellbeing and work related stress in the fincial sector: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2022 Shwetha, TS et.al.
Systematic reviews,11(1)79
Effects of yoga on cognitive functions among adolescents
2022 Shwetha et.al
Advances in mind body medicine,36(2),page number-4-7.
Development of strategies to support home based exercise adherence after stroke: A Delphi Consensus
2022 Shwetha et.al.
BMJ Open 12(1).
2021 Shwetha.T.S Avneet
Book Chapter
Finding the Long-Lost Path: Developing Environmental Awareness Through the Pandemic –Book Chapter was published in “The Impact of COVID 19 on Green Societies Under Environmental sustainability, Springer Publication, Page no-93-112;ISBN 978-3-030-66490-9 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030- 66490-9
2021 Shwetha, T.S. Dhariwala, H.
Influence of Reduced Noise Levels on Human Health During Quarantine Lockdown. In: Chakraborty, C. (eds) Green Technological Innovation for Sustainable Smart Societies. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73295-0_7
2022 Shwetha.T.S Pragnya, N.
Effect of silent pandemic on mental health? A lesson learned and way forward published in Mental Health: A Global Concern and Conviction with ISBN:978-93-54935-84-8.
Commercial Sex Work in India-Nalini Tells her story”
2016 Publication of APA Division 35 Section IV
Perspective- on lesbian, bisexual and transgender concerns”, 2016 Publication of APA Division 35 Section IV
September 5th 2020
Conflict resolution for teachers in Udayavani newspaper.
Covid 19-psychosocial concerns
May 15th 2020
Covid 19-psychosocial concerns published in Udayavani newspaper
Mental health importance and tips for farmers in uncertain life situations
June 20th 2020
Mental health importance and tips for farmers in uncertain life situations published in Udayavani newspaper
Parent child relationship
July 31st 2020
Parent child relationship in Udayvani newspaper.
Stroke rehabilitation
Stroke rehabilitation in udayavani news paper
Mental health in an unequal world
October 2021
Mental health in an unequal world published in udayavani news paper