Pharmacognosy is probably the oldest of the modern sciences that involves the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of natural drugs, including the search for new drugs from natural sources. The subject is one of the core branches in the pharmacy curriculum and therefore found an important niche in the Manipal College of Pharmaceutical sciences as a coveted department. The department enjoys the reputation of being one of the most sophisticated and well equipped department in the country. It is accredited by all the major regulatory bodies in India.
The department was established in 1971, under the eminent leadership of well-known pharmacognosist of international repute Dr. M.A. Iyengar. Since its inception the department has witnessed an exponential growth which was nurtured and further developed by Dr. Annie Shirwaikar and Dr. C.S. Shreedhara. Presently the department is headed by an eminent teacher and pharmacognosist Dr. M. Manjunath Setty.
The strength of the department lies in its modern labs, sophisticated instruments and high quality research output. The department has produced about 150 post graduates and 12 PhD scholars who are enjoying impressive positions in industry and academia. About 250 publications in the journal of national and international repute with good impact factor testify the quality research output of the department.
Academic credibility of the department of Pharmacognosy is envisaged by its changing curriculum to meet the current requirements of pharmaceutical Industry. The department offers extensive training in all aspects of natural products including latest developments in the scientific field. Herbal product development, drug discovery and development from natural products, development of nutraceuticals, dietary supplements and cosmeceuticals, herbal IPR and herbal drugs patenting are the focused key areas of the department.
MPharm Pharmacognosy Programme Educational Outcomes [PEOs]
MPharm Pharmacognosy Programme Outcomes [POs]
MPharm Pharmacognosy Course Outcomes [COs]
Click to view Regulations for MPharm Pharmacognosy programme
The department of Pharmacognosy caters to the modern needs of Industry by providing conducive ambience for learning and develop skills to befit the industrial and academic demands. The growing needs for herbal drugs standardization and analysis in the pharmaceuctical, herbal/ayurvedic, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industries has paved the way for the requirement of well trained personnel. Our department has been continuously providing skilled hands to industry and academic demands. The alumni of our department and their positions in the industry and academia speak about the employability of our students.
Core competence
· Herbal drug standardization
· Development of Nano-herbal formulation
· Medicinal Plant Tissue Culture
· Evaluation of traditional herbal formulation
· Isolation and purification of phytoconstituents
· Development of nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals
· Biological screening of herbs/herbal/ traditional product
MPharm in Pharmacognosy
The pogram is designed to train the students in various aspects of herbal drug technology viz., herbal drug standardization, phytochemical evaluation, development and fromulation of herbal drugs; evaluation and validation of traditional herbal products, and production of plant sencondary metabolites by Plant Tissue Culture. Accordingly the program includes following courses.
- Advanced Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: The course primarily explores chemistry of secondary metabolites from natural origin including techniques of extraction, separation and characterization.
- Herbal Product Development and Formulation: This subject aims at training the students in various aspects of herbal formulation and development as per industrial requirement along with its quality control and quality assessment.
- Medicinal Plant Biotechnology: it deals with biotechnological approach in understanding Plant Tissue Culture for crop improvement, enhancement of secondary plant metabolites and conservation of endangered medicinal plants.
- Biological Screening of Herbal Drugs: The course is offered with an intention to understand in vitro and in vivo biological screening of herbal drugs for various diseases and disorders.
- Spectral and Chromatographic Studies: It offers theoretical/practical knowledge in chemistry of natural products and interpretation of spectra of various biomolecules thereby helping student to get hands on experience in operating the various instruments.
All the above courses will definitely provide the best insight so that the student will be trained to cater to the requirements of industry, academia and research.

Our industrial partners in research
1. Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore
2. Himalaya Drug Co. Bangalore
3. Piramal Life Sciences, Mumbai
4. Dabur Research Foundation, Ghaziabad
And many more.
Facilities and Services
Department of Pharmacognosy is equipped with sophisticated facilities and infrastructure to cater to the needs of students and research scholars.

Research Facilities
State of art facilities and infrastructure

Department of Pharmacognosy undertakes various activities for the benefit of staff students

Staff and Students
Well experienced and trained staff

Department Library
Libraries with digital and print resources is in place for the students

The department boasts of 100% placement well in time after post graduation

The department pf Pharmacognosy provides valua added services to academic and industrial setups on nominal charges.
Research & Publications
The Department of Pharmacognosy, established in 1971, has been actively engaged in the herbal research. With experienced well qualified faculty, the constant inputs for department improvement have resulted in excellent infrastructure and spacious well-equipped laboratories with sophisticated equipment especially crafted for herbal product development and evaluation. Dedicated labs for formulation development and evaluation comprising of dissolution apparatus, HPLC, HPTLC and UV spectrophotometer are in place. The Department is equipped with required infrastructure for the phytochemical investigation. Freeze drier, roto-vapors and large scale columns are added for purification and isolation of bioactive from plant material. Herbal dietary supplements in form of tablets, floating tablets, herbal patches, and different herbal creams have been successfully developed and evaluated in the department. Herbal drug screening for their biological activity and ethnomedicinal research has been core area of the department. The department boasts of a coveted infrastructure for plant tissue culture. Projects like improvement bio-actives in certain plants by tissue culture, isolation estimation of bioactive constituents in the callus culture have been experimented in this lab. Some of the important research area are cited below • Method development for herbal drug analysis. • Development of herbal formulation and evaluation. • Development of herbal lypozymes and in vitro and in vivo evaluation. • Development of tissue culture methods for micro propagation of various plants. • Improvement in phytochemical yield by elicitation in tissue culture.

MCOPS is the right place if you want to explore research along with good infrastructure. Qualified staff and an opportunity to collaborate with other colleges on the campus for research work makes it one of the kind universities.
Dr Raviraj A Devkar
Scientist, Reference Standards Evaluation, United States Pharmacopeia

In this world, the place to be happy is Manipal. The way to grow is to enter MAHE campus. The path to excel is become a part of MCOPS. Take a walk in to department of Pharmacognosy and you will learn the art of embracing nature’s beauty and eternal bliss lies there.
Pavithra Pradeep Prabhu
Assistant Professor, NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The teaching faculty is an integral part of Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The support provided by the department of Pharmacognosy has helped me grow academically and professionally. I have spent the most vibrant years of my life in Manipal.
Kemisha Sanghvi
Analytical associate, Procter & Gamble

Amidst nature, a campus filled with life and joy, I was indeed lucky to have spent my precious years at MCOPS. With the support and encouragement provided by the Department of Pharmacognosy, the path to the successful completion of my course was undoubtedly a smooth one.
Relta Viona Dsa
Analyst, Eli Lilly Services India Private Limited, BANGALORE