Nasha Mukt Bharath Abhiyaan – A National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction

As per the national survey conducted by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, the nodal Ministry for drug demand reduction, drug addiction is emerging to be a serious problem with dangerous consequences, not just for individuals but also for their family and the society at large. Since prevention has proven to be the most effective strategy to counter the problem, the Ministry formulated a National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR). The Ministry launched “Nasha Mukt Bharath Abhiyaan” in 272 districts across India, aimed at tackling the growing menace of substance abuse through awareness generation, mass mobilization and community outreach targeting vulnerable groups and general masses at both micro and macro level. 

MAHE has been conducting awareness programs to sensitize the students to the issues prevalent in the society. Clubs like VSO, Scio Foundation, having over 6000 active volunteers, visit orphanages, schools for the differently abled, old-age homes & slums, conduct Blood Donation & Clean Manipal campaigns on a weekly basis.


Under NMBA project, the following activities have been conducted by MAHE:

•Survey in 20 villages to identify 10 hotspot villages and discussion with PDOs, NGOs, Doctors, Anganavadi & Asha workers

•Distribution of flyers to houses in 10 identified villages

• Several Awareness programs for students, Hostel Caretakers, school & college students, Anganavadi & Asha workers. 

•Slogan, Poster & Elocution competitions for Udupi residents.

• Nasha Mukt Clubs at 10 MAHE institutes.

•Training workshop for MAHE students and staff to equip them to identify vulnerable students.

•Webinar to observe International Day against Drug Abuse, World No Tobacco Day 

•Webinar on Mental Health & India's Drug Laws

•Publicity through social media and radio talks.


Link to News article in Business line on campus

Link containing "Nasha Mukt Udupi Abhiyaan" Newsletters


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