Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery - 2021 & earlier
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Collaboration between MAHE and Sutherland Healthcare Solutions (October 22, 2021)
Picture from left to right - Mr. Ravi Ramaswamy (CEO - RV consultants, Sutherland Healthcare Solutions); Dr Harish S Kumar (Associate Director - Industry liaison, Placement & Practice School, MIT, MAHE); Dr Raviraja N S (Director of Corporate Relations, MAHE); Commander Dr Anil Rana ( Director - MIT, MAHE); Dr Narayana Sabhahit (Registrar, MAHE); Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M.D. Venkatesh (Vice Chancellor, MAHE); Mr. Surya S Narayanan (Head of Healthcare IT - HealthCare Digital, Sutherland Healthcare Solutions); Mr. Milind Deshpande (Vice president of Global Delivery for Digital Engineering Serivices, Sutherland Healthcare Solutions); Ms Sripriya Gopi (Senior Manager - HR, Sutherland Healthcare Solutions); Dr Ashok Rao (Associate Director 'Research and Consultancy', MIT, MAHE).
Story of a Successful entrepreneur, Mr. Rohith Bhat, CEO, 99Games (October 20, 2021)
Picture from left to right -
1st Row - Commander Dr Anil Rana ( Director, MIT); Mr. Rohit Bhat (CEO, 99Games Online Private limited); Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M.D. Venkatesh (Vice Chancellor, MAHE); Ms Shylaja Rao (Ex-COO, Robosoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.); Dr Keerthana I (Director - MSIS, MAHE); Mr. Ankit Jajoo (E - Cell, MIT).
2nd Row - Dr Raviraja N S (Director of Corporate Relations, MAHE); Dr Arun Shanbhag (Chief Innovation Officer, MAHE); Prof. Madhu Veeraraghavan (Director, TAPMI Manipal); Dr. Santhosha Rao (AGM, MUTBI Manipal); Dr. Dasharathraj K Shetty (Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Management, MIT).

Visit of Mr Amit Kapur (Director Technical) and Ms Ameeta Nehra (Lead- Corporate Communications and PR) of Everest group (November 18, 2020)
Picture: from left to right – Dr. M Vijaya Kini (Professor & Associate Director - Alumni, PR & IR); Dr. Shrihari Y. Upadhyaya (CEO - MUTBI); Dr. D Srikanth Rao ( Director- MIT Manipal, MAHE ); Mr. Amith Kapur (Director Technical - Everest Blowers Pvt Ltd); Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M.D. Venkatesh (Vice Chancellor, MAHE); Dr Raghuvir Pai ( Professor, MAHE); Ms. Ameeta Nehra (Lead – Corporate Communications and PR –Everest Blowers Pvt) ; Dr. Raviraja N.S (Director of Corporate Relations, MAHE); Mr Vinod Kamath ( Assistant Professor , MAHE).

Blackfrog Technologies unveiled next-generation vaccine carrier namely ‘Emvólio pro’ on 4 Nov 2020
Picture: from left to right - Mr. Sharad Anchan (Lead Engineer, Blackfrog Technologies Pvt. Ltd); Mr. Donson D Souza ( Chief Operating Officer& Client Relations, Blackfrog Technologies Pvt. Ltd); Mr. Ashlesh Bhat (Chief Technical Officer, Blackfrog Technologies Pvt. Ltd); Dr. Arun Shanbhag(Chief Innovation Officer of MAHE); Dr. Shrihari Upadhyaya (CEO of MUTBI); Dr. Manesh Thomas (CEO of GoK-Bioincubator); Dr. Raviraja N.S. (Director of Corporate Relations); Mr. Mayur Shetty ( Chief Executive & Product Architect, Blackfrog Technologies Pvt. Ltd); Ms. Fiona Fernandes (Assistant Manager, Blackfrog Technologies Pvt. Ltd)

ESCO ASTER Agreement signing
Picture: from left to right- Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M.D. Venkatesh (Vice Chancellor of MAHE); Mr. XL Lin (President and CEO of Esco Aster PTE Ltd) ; Dr. Narayana Sabhahit (Registrar of MAHE ); Dr. Raviraja N.S ( Director of Corporate Relations, MAHE).

Meeting with Navitas Life Science
Picture: from left to right- Dr. Arun ( Navitas Life Science Pvt. ltd ) ; Dr. Ragavendra Shetty (Navitas Life Science Pvt. ltd) ; Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M.D. Venkatesh ; Dr. Narayana Sabhahit; Dr. Raviraja N.S.

Panel discussion on “Entrepreneurial Insights”- series 2
Picture: from left to right - Dr. Raviraja N.S (Director of Corporate Relations, MAHE); Mr. Manohar S Shetty (Managing Director, Sai Radha Group of Companies); Dr. Shrihari Y. Upadhyaya (CEO - MUTBI); Mr. Dinesh Karnik (Managing Director, Prueba India Software Pvt. ltd).