Category 1: Full-time Ph.D. with Valid National Fellowships
- Duration
- Minimum 3 years 6 months from date of joining (registration) and up to a maximum 6 years.
- Eligibility:
- Applicants under AICTE-QIP program OR with UGC / CSIR – NET – JRF / ICMR – JRF / DBT – JRF / JEST / INSPIRE / NDF
Having a valid fellowship at the time of admission.
Meeting MAHE eligibility criteria (Refer section 4 of guidelines).
- Admission Process
- Admission Schedule: Four times a year (January, April, July and October)
- Deadlines – Visit
- Applicants are exempted from the All India centre-based online PhD Manipal Entrance Test (MET) conducted by MAHE Manipal
- Selection to the PhD program under this category would be done by a panel of experts through presentation and an interview
- Applicants seeking Ph.D. admission under this category are required to submit application (Annexure 1) along with expression of interest with Resume, Fellowship Award Letter, Bachelor’s & Master’s degree certificates to Centre for Doctoral Studies (CDS), MAHE.
- CDS will scrutinize the application for eligibility and if eligible, will forward the documents to concerned Institution / teaching department of MAHE
- The Institution / Teaching department of MAHE will form the following selection committee
- Prospective supervisor, Co-supervisor (if any)
- Head of the Department (HOD)
- Ph.D. coordinator of the Institution / Teaching department
- Head of the Institute (HOI) / Institutional representative
- External member nominated by HOI
- Selection committee shall assess the applicants based on their academic and research credentials through an interview. Committee will also decide the probable Ph.D. topic and supervisor and co-supervisor (if required).
- Interview will have following components
- Presentation by the applicant
- Viva Voce on area of interest and basics related to applicant’s expertise.
- Discussion on Motivation and Goal
- Interview will have following components
- Selection committee shall submit the interview results and admission form (annexure 2) to CDS.
- On successful clearing of the interview,
- CDS will issue offer letter to the applicant
- Applicant will have to communicate the acceptance within 7 days to CDS and pay the course fee.
- On receiving the fee payment confirmation, CDS will liaise with Director (Admissions) MAHE to generate admission order of the successful applicants
- CDS will communicate the same to the PhD scholar, guide and respective HOI / HOD.
- CDS will issue offer letter to the applicant
- The PhD scholar shall initiate the process of fellowship activation on joining and the Department / Institution will facilitate the process.
- Course Fee
- Selected PhD scholars are exempted from paying the course fee
- Other Support
- Contingency grant of Rs. 1,50,000 per year, for 3 years will be given for research work of the PhD Scholar to cover equipment, consumables, and publication costs.
- This amount CANNOT be used for the manpower and travel.
- This amount can be utilized within 4 years of admission OR before the submission of thesis, whichever is earlier.
- Financial assistance (Registration / TA / DA / Accommodation), to a maximum of Rs. 30,000 (Rupees Thirty Thousand) for the entire duration of the Ph.D.
- This amount can be utilized within 4 years of admission OR before the submission of thesis, whichever is earlier.
- This financial assistance can be utilised for the following, with due recommendations from the guide and HOI
- Presenting Paper(s) / Poster(s) at National / International conference(s)
- Attending workshop(s)
- Above facilities can be availed with prior approval from MAHE Manipal (to apply use annexures 48, 49)
- Contingency grant of Rs. 1,50,000 per year, for 3 years will be given for research work of the PhD Scholar to cover equipment, consumables, and publication costs.
- Leaves
- PhD scholar is eligible for leaves as per the applicable fellowship scheme norms. Leaves can be availed only with prior approval from guide and institution.
- If the PhD scholar avails leave over and above the eligibility, the duration of Ph.D. will be extended by leave period availed.
- If the PhD scholar avails additional leaves with DAC permission, the minimum duration of Ph.D. will be extended by leave period availed.
- This requires prior approval from CDS. The request to be sent to CDS in CDS template (Annexure 42).
- Maternity leave, if availed, to be communicated to CDS along with supporting documents in CDS template (Annexure 43).
- The minimum duration of PhD program will be extended by leave period.
- If the PhD scholar avails additional leaves with DAC permission, the minimum duration of Ph.D. will be extended by leave period availed.
- If the PhD scholar avails leave over and above the eligibility, the duration of Ph.D. will be extended by leave period availed.
- PhD scholar is eligible for leaves as per the applicable fellowship scheme norms. Leaves can be availed only with prior approval from guide and institution.
Annexures are available at
Thrust areas of research available at various institutions of Manipal Academy of Higher Education for candidates already having a fellowship :
Health Sciences :-
KMC Manipal : Anesthesiology, Clinical Medicine, Metabolomics,.....and more
KMC Mangalore : Forensic Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Toxicology,.....and more
MCODS Mangalore : Behavioral research, Restorative materials,.....and more
MCON Manipal : Bipolar Disorder, Newborn care, Quality of life,.....and more
MCOPS Manipal : Drug Discovery, Nanoemulsion, Proteomics,.....and more
MCHP Manipal : Dysphagia, Orthography, Psychophysics,.....and more
MSLS Manipal : Chelation therapy, In vitro biology, Radiation Biology,.....and more
MMMC Manipal : Enteric pathogens, Hemostasis, Proteomics,.....and more
MIRM Bangalore : Cardiac regeneration, Epigenetics, Secretome therapy,.....and more
PSPH : (In Data Science) Bayesian Methods, Multivariate Methods,.....and more
PSPH : (In Public Health) : Adolescent Health, Geriatric Health,.....and more
CIMR, Manipal : Drug research in AYUSH, Lifestyle Disorders,....and more
Technical :-
MIT Manipal : Process Optimization, Turbomachinery,....and more
ICAS Manipal : Environmental Engineering, Water Supply Engineering,.....and more
MSIS Manipal : Content Based image retrieval, Fractals, Image Processing,......and more
MIM Manipal : Higher Education Administration, Digital Marketing,.......and more
MIC Manipal : Corporate Communication, Media Education,.....and more
MCNS Manipal : Active galaxies, Nuclear physics, Super Heavy Elements,.......and more
MCES : Multiculturalism, Multilingualism, Internationalization of Higher Education.
DOC : Capital Markets, Banking, Insurance,......and more
MCH : Indian literature, Ethics, Aesthetics,.......and more
MSAP : Environment Behavior, Built Environment Research, Sustainable Design & Development.