Dr. Preeti Agrawat
Associate Professor
Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration | WGSHA Manipal - Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Dr. Preeti Agrawat is Associate Professor in Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration (WGSHA) at Manipal.
An Analysis of SDG India Index and Quality Education
2022 SDG Dr. Preeti Agrawat
Perspectives in Social Work, ISSN:0974-5114.Volume: XXXVII. No.1. April 2022. 9-15
SDG India Index and Gender Equality
2014 SDG Dr. Preeti Agrawat
Book Chapter
A Study on Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojna: Hanumangarh
2021 Social Science Dr. Preeti Agrwat
A Study on Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojna: Hanumangarh, International Journal of Education, Modern Management, Applied Science & Social Science (IJEMMASSS),ISSN: 2581-9925, Volume 03, No. 03(II), July - September, 2021
Reorientation of Higher Education System in India through Innovation and Creativity
2019 Higher Education Dr. Preeti Agrawat
Reorientation of Higher Education System in India through Innovation and Creativity, an International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. (Feb 2019) Volume: II, Issue 1, ISSN: 2581-5628
A study on changing dimensions of Governance towards Sustainable Green Governance
2019 Administration Dr. Preeti Agrawat
A study on changing dimensions of Governance towards Sustainable Green Governance, International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce , Management & Social Sciences.ISSN : 2581-7930. Volume 02, No.3.(2019). 42-46
Assessing the role of Pull Training Strategies to create Hi-Impact Learning Culture
2018 Administration Dr. Preeti Agrawat
Assessing the role of Pull Training Strategies to create Hi-Impact Learning Culture. International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Sciences. ISSN: 2581:7930. Volume 01, No. 2. (2018). 86-90
An Evaluative Analysis of Training Effectiveness among Administrative Officers in Rajasthan,
2017 Administration Dr. Preeti Agrawat
An Evaluative Analysis of Training Effectiveness among Administrative Officers in Rajasthan, Research Reinforcement, Volume 5, Issue 01.May-Oct (2017). 53-58