The #Sabkachawal food wastage campaign
November 12, 2018

SabkaChawal, the food wastage campaign is launched by the First year Media and Communication Students of School of Communication (SOC) as a part of their 'Environmental Science' class activity.
The food wastage campaign titled ‘Sab ka Chawal' to create awareness against the wastage of vast amounts of food in all forms, from groceries - veggies, to the food on your plates. The Campaign aims at making a difference and minimizing the wastage of food in areas such as the food courts, canteens, households, lunch homes and restaurants. Approximately 1.3 billion tons of food, over a third of the food that is produced for human consumption, is wasted each year. Over 870 million people, all across the world, suffer from food insecurity and hunger.
The SabkaChawal – Food Wastage Awareness Campaign’s Main event was flagged off by Prof. Rajiv V. Shah, Chairperson - Finance area, TAPMI Manipal and presided over by Dr. Padma Rani, Director of School of Communication, Manipal
The #Sabkachawal food wastage campaign included various modes of spreading awareness against this menace of food wastage, such as info-taining documentaries, comical memes, intriguing and engaging posters and slogans, social media posts and updates regarding the campaign, informative interviews with people on Food Wastage, an appealing address by a prominent personality on Food Wastage Awareness, impactful Slam poetry sessions by students, exciting Street plays, and many more!
A Part in making a change to save something that's ours, because in the end, it is - Sab ka Chawal!
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