BTech Overview

BTech is the abbreviated version of Bachelor of Technology, an undergraduate degree conferred after the completion of a skill-intensive, 4-year academic course. Students who have completed Class XII Science with a mandatory percentage, are eligible to apply.

All BTech courses at the Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), have excellent campus-placements opportunities. You may choose from a multitude of career paths that open up after a BTech degree, and opt for a technical or managerial job, or enroll for a Masters in Technology.

The Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) offers 17 BTech programmes in streams including Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical, Mechanical, Data Science, Building Science and Chemical Engineering.

The duration of the BTech programme is a minimum of 4 years (8 semesters), during which, students will need to earn 170 credits in order to qualify for the degree. Students may choose from a wide range of elective courses and open electives. The Students Life Cycle Management (SLCM) platform provides online access to academic information for all stakeholders.

MIT’s BTech Career Opportunity

A degree in BTech from MIT, a leading institution, will open up plenty of job opportunities.

From Amazon to Deloitte and Infosys to Goldman Sachs and Samsung, MIT attracts the cream of companies every recruitment season. Last year, over 250 companies, including 50 ‘Fortune 500’ companies, visited the MIT campus for recruitment and internships. Of the more than 1900 placements and Practice School internships, 81% of the offers were in the core and product-based companies, and the rest were from IT and Enabled Services (ITES).

For more details, visit:


BTech Syllabus & Semester Details (Common to all branches)

Click to know Academic Regulations of BTech programs.




BTech Course List

Engineering Courses

There are 17 programmes available under Manipal Institute of Technology at the BTech level. Students can choose from the following list of engineering courses:



BTech Branch



Chemical Engg


Civil Engg


Computer Science & Engg

Computer Science and Financial Technology

Mathematics and Computing


Biomedical Engg

Cyber Physical systems

Electrical & Electronics Engg

Electronics & Communication Engg

Electronics & Instrumentation Engg

VLSI Design and Technology


Aeronautical Engg

Automobile Engg

Industrial Engg

Mechanical Engg


  Program List: Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT)



BTech Program Semester Detail

The first and second semesters of the MIT BTech programme is common for all branches. Students will have the option to change their branch in semester III against available vacancies. However, this option would be given based on their performance during the first year.

Semester VIII is fully dedicated to project work, so students can gain actual experience working on real-life projects. Manipal Institute of Technology caters to student mobility by providing live project experience through practice schools. There will be continuous assessment of performance, with in-semester and end-semester assessment carrying equal weightage.


Scope Of BTech Degree From Manipal Institute Of Technology

A BTech degree from one of India’s leading universities will open up exciting employment opportunities for students. In addition to providing them with essential technical knowledge in their respective branches, students will also gain working knowledge that they can apply in real-life scenarios.

After successfully completing the BTech programme under Manipal Institute of Technology, students will be able to find opportunities for growth in various fields where their technical skills and knowledge can be applied.

BTech Course Duration

4 Years (8 semesters)

Key Dates & Deadlines


Mar 28 25

Mar ' 25

Last date to Apply


Tentative Course Commencement Date