M. Tech Computer Aided Analysis & Design - Overview

M. Tech in Computer-Aided Analysis and Design (CAAD) is a two-year postgraduate specialisation degree course offered by the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. The PG program focuses on strengthening the theoretical and practical knowledge of the students in the core areas of design and analysis so as to meet the needs of the industries as well as R&D organizations. The core objectives of the programme are to: (a) Impart core concepts of Mechanical design to solve complex problems of society and industry, considering the ethical, legal and environmental issues (b) Provide comprehensive theoretical and hands-on experience in computer-based modelling, analysis and design of mechanical components and systems with a multi-disciplinary approach and (c) Promote a culture of research and publish research articles/technical reports associated with computer aided analysis and design of mechanical components and systems applied to multi- disciplinary domains. The PG program Incorporates:

  • Highly qualified and dedicated faculty.
  • Well-equipped laboratories.
  • Seminar presentation.
  • Industrial Training.
  • Guest lectures by experts.
  • Various co-curricular activities such as paper and poster presentations.



PEO 1: Apply core concepts of Mechanical design to solve complex problems of society and industry, considering the ethical, legal, and environmental issues.

PEO 2: Model, analyze and design mechanical components and systems with a multi-disciplinary approach, by applying the theoretical knowledge and through computer implementations.

PEO 3: Pursue research or higher studies and publish research articles/technical reports associated with computer-aided analysis and design of mechanical components and systems applied to multi-disciplinary domains, considering the ethical and legal issues in research and publication.



Post Graduates of the Computer Aided Design and Analysis program must:

LO 1: Apply a comprehensive knowledge of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering principles to the solution of complex problems. Much of the knowledge will be at the forefront of the particular subject of study and informed by a critical awareness of new developments and the wider context of engineering.

LO 2: Formulate and analyse complex problems to reach substantiated conclusions. This will involve evaluating available data using first principles of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering principles, and using engineering judgment to work with information that may be uncertain or incomplete, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed.

LO 3: Select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model complex problems, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed.

LO 4: Select and critically evaluate technical literature and other sources of information to solve complex problems.

LO 5: Design solutions for complex problems that evidence some originality and meet a combination of societal, user, business and customer needs as appropriate. This will involve consideration of applicable health and safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural, societal, environmental and commercial matters, codes of practice and industry standards.

LO 8: Evaluate the environmental and societal impact of solutions to complex problems (to include the entire life-cycle of a product or process) and minimise adverse impacts.

LO 9: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader of a team. Evaluate effectiveness of own and team performance.

LO 10: Communicate effectively on complex engineering matters with technical and non-technical audiences, evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used.



The postgraduates of CAAD shall exhibit:

PO 1:  An ability to independently carry out research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems.

PO 2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.

PO 3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.

PO 4: Synergize the knowledge of design engineering and computer tools to provide solutions to real-world complex engineering problems.

PO 5: Demonstrate the knowledge of design engineering and management principles, and function effectively in performing complex engineering activity.

PO 6: Practice design engineering and engage in independent and life-long learning to identify and close the research gaps.


M. Tech Computer Aided Analysis & Design - Career Opportunities

  • Mechanical core industries including aerospace, auto industry, etc.
  • National and international research centers.
  • G.E India, Honeywell, Altair, Bosch, L&T, TCS.
  • Design and Analysis of Mechanical system, Product design and development, R & D, Academics.

External Collaborations

The Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Forbes Marshall Private Limited (Pune), WIPRO GE Healthcare (Bangalore), Intel Technology India Private Limited (Bangalore), CIPLA Limited (Mumbai), Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CSIR CEERI, Pilani), Indian Institute of Technology - Jammu (IITJ), Signet Group of Industries (Indore), Minar Hydrosystems Private Limited (MHPL, Nagpur), Maini Group of Industries (Bangalore) and Rimtex Engineering Private Limited. (Know more)  

Key Dates & Deadlines


Mar 31 25

Mar ' 25

Last date to Apply


Tentative Course Commencement Date

M. Tech Computer Aided Analysis & Design - Course Duration

2 years (4 semesters)

Department News and Events

  • 2024 IEEE International Conference on Augmented Reality, Intelligent Systems, and Industrial Automation (ARIIA-2024), Hybrid Mode on December 20-21, 2024.  (Know more)
  • International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management (ICMIAM 2024),16 - 17 December, 2024 | Venue - Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka, India (Know more)
  • Keynote Lecture in International Conference ICMIAM 2024: Scenario Planning for long life infrastructure- balancing risk, climate and performance with cost - Ashay Prabhu, Co-Founder, Modelve. (Know more)
  • Four days workshop on "Advanced Research Designs and Ethical AI in Research,"  delivered by Dr. Ritesh Bhat, Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, June 3rd to 6th, 2024. (Know more)
  • Invited talk by Dr. Rashid Zafar, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh on Finite Element Modeling of Liquid Reinforced Soft Composites, 18 April 2024, 11.30 AM - 1 PM. (Know more)
  • Alumni Talk by Mr Vijay Singh, CEO, IcSoft, India - Digitalization in Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), 10 April 2024, 5-6 PM. (Know more)
  • Visit of Mr. Harish Shah (alumnus of MIT, Mechanical Branch,1975-80 batch) along with his wife Mrs. Bina Shah, 6-7 April 2024, MIT Manipal. Mr. Harish Shah is Founder & Managing Director, Signet Capital Pvt. Ltd and also Director, Harish & Bina Shah Foundation. Mrs. Bina Shah is Co-Founder, Signet Capital Pvt. Ltd.
  • Five days hands-on workshop on Instrumentation and Data Analysis in Solar and Thermal Engineering Research, April 08 - 13, 2024 (Brochure)
  • Alumni Talk by Dr. Apurva Anand, Professor and Director, Maharana Pratap Engineering College, Kanpur - Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering, 03 April, 5-6 PM. (Know more)
  • Post Graduate Alumni Meet, 15th December, 2023. (Know more)
  • International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management (ICMIAM 2023), 6–8 December, 2023. (Brochure)
  • Two days workshop on Computational Methods for Solving Engineering Problems (CMSEP-2023), 3 - 4 November, 2023. (Know more)
  • Session on Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Start-ups held on 3rd November 2023. (Know more)
  • Deakin University Professor Visit to the Department on 12th October 2023 (Know more)
  • M.Tech.- Thermal Sciences & Energy Systems Alumni Talk Series (Know more)
  • International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering (RAiSE-2023), 4 – 5 October 2023. (Brochure)
  • International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences (ICCMEH-2023), 2–3 October 2023. (Brochure)
  • One Day Workshop on Natural Circulation Loops - Theory & Applications held on 26th April, 2023. (Brochure)
  • UNNATI (Work Integrated Learning Program): Diploma in Mechanical Engineering for Employees of CIPLA Ltd. Held on 27th March 2023. (Know more)
  • Hands-On Workshop on Digital Image Correlation held on 15th March 2023. (Know more)






World-class laboratories give learning a practical dimension

Innovation Centre
State-of-the-art Innovation Centre to facilitate multi-disciplinary research

Libraries have excellent resources for reference and study

Paper tree - A green initiative by MIT students of MUTBI

Computing Facility
Wi-fi campus with modern computing and digital facilities