Dr. Shankar M. Bakkannavar

Professor and Head


Department of Forensic Medicine


    Dr Shankar M Bakkannavar teaches MBBS and postgraduates students.

    He also:

    • Performs medico legal autopsies.
    • Attends courts to give evidence.
    • Visits crime scenes.
    • Examines and issues certificates in cases of alleged sexual assault and certificates of age estimation
    • Is co-guide for postgraduate dissertation work and supervises the academic activities of a group of students.
    • Is a member of curriculum development committee of Manipal University.


Subject Semester / Year
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 3rd, 4th and 5th semester
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
MBAHCS Health Care Services Sikkim Manipal University 2013
Certificate course in Prospectives in Disability Prospectives in Disability Department of Physiotherapy, MCOAHS, Manipal and Manipal Centre of Philosophy and Humanities 2012
DCL (Diploma in Cyber Law) Cyber Law Symbiosis Centre for Distance Education, Pune 2010
MD Forensic Medicine Kasturba Medical College, Manipal 2009
MBBS Al-Ameen Medical College, Bijapur 2001


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
KMC, Manipal Associate Professor 05/2013 till date
KMC, Manipal Assistant Professor 05/2009 to 05/2013
KMC, Manipal Tutor 05/2006 to 04/2009


Area of Interest

Forensic Pathology , Epidemiology , Medical Ethics , Forensic Odontology , Suicidology , Traffic Medicine , Toxicology Law in Relation to Medicine , Medical Education

Area of Expertise

Forensic Odontology , Forensic Toxicology , Forensic Photography , Cyber law

Area of Research

Forensic odontology , Traffic Medicine , Forensic Pathology

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Member of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, attending Annual Conference sand presenting scientific papers 2010.
  • Member of Karnataka Medico-legal Society, attending Annual Conferences and presenting scientific papers, 2009.
  • Member of South India Medico-legal Association, attending Annual Conference sand presenting scientific papers, 2010.
  • Member of Indo Pacific Academy of Forensic Odontology, attending Annual Conferences and presenting scientific papers, 2009.
  • Member of Society for Prevention of Injuries and Corporal Punishment, attending Annual Conferences and presenting scientific papers, 2009.
  • Member of Indo Pacific Academy of Forensic Nursing Science, attending Annual Conferences and presenting scientific papers, 2009.

Profile of organophosphorus insecticides poisoning in Kasturba hospital, Manipal, South India

2014-01-02 Raghavan p Amar R Nayak VC Bakkannavar SM Nayak S Ramachandran A

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation. 3 (1), Jan–Feb 2014; 73 – 77

Effectiveness of continuous Pralidoxime (PAM) infusion compared with repeated bolus injection in Organophosphorus (OP) poisoning

2014-01-05 Raghavan P Amar R Nayak VC Bakkannavar SM Nayak S Ramachandran V

International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences Vol. 3 (5), May 2014; 761 – 775.

Anticonvulsant Activity of Gap-junctional Blocker Carbenoxolone in Albino Rats

2014-01-01 Reddy SK Patil NA Nayak VC Shenoy S Bhandarkar A Bakkannavar SM Kotian R

Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2014; 3(4): 711-717.

Knowledge and attitude of nurses to biomedical waste management: A cross sectional study

2014-01-01 Nayak S Nayak V Somu G Shankar B

J Pharm Biomed Sci 2014; 04(08):733-736.

Foramen Magnum as a Tool of Estimating Stature in a Male Population

2014-01-09 Babu YPR Bakkannavar SM Manjunath S Shetty BSK Shetty PH Kumar PGN Sundar SS

Journal of SIMLA. Sept 2014; Vol. 6(2): 46 – 48

Sudden Death due to Septic Thrombi associated with septicemia – A case report

2014-01-09 Babu YPR Lobo FD Bakkannnavar SM Hegde A Kanchan T Kumar PGN

Journal of South India Medico-legal Association. Sept 2014; Vol. 6(2), 80 – 83.

Sex Determination using (big bore 16 slice) Multidetector Computed Tomography of Maxillary Sinus

2014-01-01 Kotian RP Bakkannavar SM Madhavan Nayak VC

JKAMLS 2014 Vol. 23(2); 15 – 20.

Intentional Self-harm by an Elder Abuse Victim

Nayak VC Bakkannavar SM Kumar PG Sharma S

JKAMLS 2014 Vol. 23(2); 34 – 36


2014-01-01 Bakkannavar SM

Journal of Karnataka Medico Legal Society. Vol. 23(2): 2014; 3

Fatal Occupational Scalds - A Case Report and Review of Literature

2014-01-03 Bakkannavar SM Babu RYP Manjunath S Kumar PG

Journal of South India Medico-legal Association. Vol 6(1), Mar 2014; 31 – 34.

Psychological autopsy - an important tool for postmortem diagnosis of death

2014-01-03 Babu RYP Bakkannavar SM Manjunath S Joseph N Kishan K Palimar V

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. Vol 7(1), Jan-Mar 2014: 41 – 43

Fatal Burns Due To Arcing Current

Bakkannavar SM Kumar A Vijay V Nayak VC Kumar PG Palimar V

Journal of Karnataka Medico Legal Society. Vol. 23(1): 2014; 34 – 36


Bakkannavar SM

Journal of Karnataka Medico Legal Society. Vol. 23(1): 2014; 3

Mystery behind a sudden death – a case report

Kumar A Shashidhara S Bakkannavar SM Bhat S Kumar PG Palimar V

Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine 2014; 1(1): 49-52

Estimation of Stature from Middle Finger length-in Salem region

2014-01-12 Kumar SS Shetty P Bakkanavar SM

Ind J Forensic Med & Tox. July-Dec 2014, Vol.8, No 2. Pg 31-32,DOI Num:10.5958/0973-9130.2014.00676.8