About Kasturba Medical College (KMC)
Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal, was established in 1953 as the country's first self- financing medical college. The College consistently ranks amongst the top ten medical colleges in the country and is recognized by the National Medical Council (NMC) / the erstwhile Medical Council of India (MCI). The institute has strong linkages with national and international universities.
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MBBS Program Highlights
The MBBS course, as per the new CBME curriculum, is a four-and-a-half-year course along with one year of the compulsory rotating internship course. The program starts with a foundation course extending for a month. There is early clinical exposure in the first year itself. The College conducts theory classes and clinical training according to NMC guidelines. The curriculum includes Clinical case presentation; Bench side diagnostic training; Emergency stat lab posting; Research mentoring; Didactic lectures; Self-directed learning modules; Team-based learning sessions; Problem-solving session; Interactive tests; electives as per CBME. For ore details visit: https://www.nmc.org.in/information-desk/for-colleges/ug-curriculum
MBBS Course Focus
The program focuses on Pre-clinical (Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry), Para-clinical (Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine) and Clinical (Oto-rhino-laryngology, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Pediatrics, General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Radiology, Anaesthesiology) subjects. There will be horizontal and vertical integration in every phase of teaching. It will also be transformed into a credit system to help students. Electives and skills modules are incorporated into the curriculum. To improve the soft skills and effective communication among our students, AETCOM modules has been implemented across various phases as mandated by NMC.
International partnerships for academic, research and industry collaboration
To underscore global credentials, KMC Manipal has collaborated with international universities across the globe for student exchange programs, research and academic purposes. These collaborations are effective in deepening the knowledge and skills of our students and faculty. To name a few: Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; King's College, London; The University of New Brunswick, Canada; The University of Lille, France; The University of Mississippi, USA; Ochsner Clinic Foundation, USA.

Opportunities for MBBS Electives
Students from KMC, Manipal, are pursuing electives in several top universities of international countries. Electives are offered to students in the final year of medical studies who are in good academic and professional standing, meeting the requirements and prerequisites of the requested elective(s). These are the International Universities to name a few: Yale School of Medicine, New Haven; Weil Cornell School of Medicine; McGill University, Canada; Flinders University, Australia; Boston University School of Med, Boston. For more information visit: https://manipal.edu/kmc-manipal/program-list/medical-ug-electives.html
Kasturba Medical College Infrastructure Highlights
Classes: KMC, Manipal boasts of an entire block of air-conditioned classrooms 'Interact' which are fully equipped with Wi-Fi and state of the art audio-visual system along with live video capturing system 'Impartus'. The E-learning management portal assists students in accessing the class presentations, participate in an online quiz during the class using clickers, submit self-directed and case-based learning assignments. The use of Exam Pad for paperless written exams an excellent platform to incorporate higher-order questions containing video/X-ray/ images/ reports /ECG to train world-class students. MS team-based video conferencing facilities for online classes and student presentations, SLCM platform for complete paperless student lifecycle management, INPODs for capturing students’ competency-based performance and program evaluation.


Museum: The Museum of Anatomy and Pathology (MAP) at Manipal houses well-preserved human body specimens from head to toe. A section on comparative anatomy houses the skeletons of various other animals, and carefully crafted models and charts augment the entire experience. The Pathology Museum, which displays diseased body parts and organs, has a popular section on lifestyle-related diseases and their impact on the human body. The museum has now been digitized: Museum of Anatomy and Pathology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal

Library: KMC, Manipal Health Sciences Library is one of the largest libraries in Asia for an educational institution. It is spread over 13,950 sq. metres, spanning four floors and can accommodate 1207 students at a time. The Health Science Library provides e-Learning, Reference Service, Current Awareness Service, Audio-Video Viewing, Internet Access Wi-Fi and DELNET Online and more. For more details visit: https://manipal.edu/kmc-manipal/kmc-experience/library.html

Laboratories: KMC, Manipal has well-equipped air-conditioned laboratories for Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathology, among others, to help the students develop psychomotor skills, which are essential for the effective practice of medicine. These state-of-the-art labs provide excellent hands-on training to students. The Skills Lab imparts training to all students in basic and advanced life support skills.

Simulation Centre: The Medical Simulation Centre is a state-of-the-art training and research facility equipped with manikins (anatomical models of the human body, used in teaching the art of medicine and medical equipment). Simulations focus on training medical students and health professionals about what to expect and, more importantly, how to react.

MBBS Clinical Exposure at Kasturba Hospital
KMC, Manipal is attached to a 2,032-bed teaching hospital for hands-on clinical exposure to the students. The hospital is one of the largest in the region, with best-in-class medical facilities. The hospital also has community outreach programs that provide additional clinical experience to students. There are 253 postgraduate seats, including super-specialty for the aspiring students. Apart from this, many fellowships and observership are provided.

Research Excellence Across Various Medicine Disciplines
KMC is involved in research activities across various disciplines of medicine. Research facilities such as the Central Research Laboratory (with a dedicated Embryology Laboratory, Genetics Laboratory and Enteric Division), Centre for Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Centre for Molecular Neurosciences are part of the research infrastructure available to the students and faculty.
Mentored Student Projects:
Students are encouraged to take up short time research project, ICMR projects, mentored by faculties and present their research findings at various national and international conferences. Financial support to students in the form of scholarships (KMC STS) is provided.
Research support for undergraduate:
Regular Workshops on research methodology, biostatistics, epidemiology, ethics, biosafety best practices, and manuscript preparation-publication for undergraduate and postgraduate students. KMC, Manipal supports and encourages students to participate in national and international conferences and present research papers. • Grants have been received from the Indian Council of Medical research for undergraduate research work
Kasturba Medical College: Recognitions / Accreditations
Recognized by the National Medical Commission of India • the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has accredited the Manipal Academy of Higher Education, of which KMC, Manipal is a constituent unit. • Global Education in Medicine Exchange (GEMx), an ECFMG initiative: It is a global partnership for exchange in medical education that connects medical schools and students worldwide. • Partner medical school for visiting students' application services (VSAS), an initiative of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) • Only medical College in the country to be recognized by the American New York State education department (NYSED) which gives unrestricted allowance on the duration of clerkship/elective experience for KMC, Manipal students seeking long-term clinical clerkship placements in the state of New York. • Certified for ISO 9001:2015 and EMS 14001:2015 standards
KMC Rankings in Top MBBS College
- 2 among the Private Medical Colleges in India (Source: India Today Magazine, 2020)
- 3 among the Top Medical Colleges in India 2020 (Source: Careers 360)
- 8 among the Top 25 Medical Colleges in India (Source: Outlook Magazine, 2020)
- 9 among the Medical Colleges in India (Source: NIRF, 2020)
- 9 among the Top 25 Medical Colleges in India (Source: The Week Magazine, 2020)
- 351-400 in QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2020 & 2021

Opportunities after MBBS:
After completing this course, students get to work in the capacities of a General Physician, medical officer and pursue postgraduate studies and clinical research. There is an opportunity to join the MBBS PhD program. Apart from this, a career guidance cell will help students appear for foreign board exams and provide insight into various alternative career options after MBBS.

Miscellaneous Activities at KMC, Manipal:
Many student-run clubs and committees conduct various activities throughout the year engaging students academically and bringing out their creative and leaders
qualities. Some of these clubs are CUTTING EDGE- Student Surgical Society (teaching a love for surgery & its disciplines in the heart of medical undergraduates through its events and social media pages); THE EDITORIAL BOARD (group of prolific writers, artists and photographers); STUDENT RESEARCH FORUM (a student-run organization working to facilitate and increase Research output among the students),
International quizzes and conferences organized by students such as the INDO-GERMAN CONVENTION OF LINDAU ALUMNI (IGCLA), the largest convention of its kind, brings together alumni of the Lindau Nobel Laureate meetings, science graduates and research scholars from a variety of professional backgrounds. The INTERNATIONAL QUIZ FOR MEDICAL UNDERGRADUATES (IQMU) organized and conducted by the students of KMC, Manipal sought to create a platform for facilitating academic and cultural exchange in Manipal. In addition, to nurture innovative thinking, team building and collaboration, university organizes HACKTHONS and IDEA COMPETITIONS which involves problem solving using students from different disciplines to solve problems related to health and to participate in national and international events. This is aptly supported by 2 incubators in the campus supported by government of Karnataka.