
MAHE was the first in the country and only second in Asia to start MSc in Clinical Embryology in 2005. The main goal of the course is to offer graduates in life science the opportunity to gain experience to undertake employment in laboratory management in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).  The intensive curriculum includes theoretical, practical, and clinical training in both fundamental and advanced aspects of ART spread over a period of four semesters (80 credits, 2 years). As a part of the clinical training, the students experience direct interactions with patients in male reproductive and IVF laboratories, and inpatient counseling. The practical training uses state-of-the-art facilities to transform students from trainees to skilled embryologists to work independently in ART centers. Industry-academia partnership allows students to take up semester-long internships in reputed ART centers across the country. The course has excellent placement records through campus selection.

Admission to this course is through the Common Entrance Test conducted by MAHE, followed by an interview. The selection rate is approximately 10-15% and the overall campus placement scenario is currently 100%. The course is provided under Division of Clinical Embryology, Department of Reproductive Science, KMC, Manipal.

Semester I

Semester II

Fundamentals of human reproduction

Basics in scientific and clinical aspects of Embryology

Semester III

Semester IV

Advanced clinical and practical training in ART

Internship through Industry-academia partnership


Key Dates & Deadlines


Mar 15 25

Mar ' 25

Last date to Apply


Tentative Course Commencement Date


2 years (4 semesters)


The Department of Neurology has EEG/ENMG Labs.

Libraries have excellent resources for reference and study

Teaching hospitals give students hands-on learning