
Practicing obstetrics without a knowledge of obstetric ultrasound is near to impossible in the current clinical scenario.

The current postgraduate curriculum does not involve specific training modules or hands on experience on ultrasound training. This course aims to provide adequate training to young Obstetricians and Radiologists to perform Obstetric ultrasound to International standards. This is achieved by a continuous learning process with theory and practical knowledge combined with hands on experience so that they would be able to perform obstetric scans across all gestations with confidence. During this period, they would be given adequate training to obtain the certificates of competencies from the fetal Medicine Foundation UK.

This short-term course is aimed at practising Obstetricians and Radiologists who don’t aspire to specialise in fetal medicine but would like to improve their skills in Obstetric Ultrasound scanning to complement their clinical practice.

Key Dates & Deadlines


Mar 31 25

Mar ' 25

Last date to Apply


Tentative Course Commencement Date


 1 year


The Department of Neurology has EEG/ENMG Labs.

Libraries have excellent resources for reference and study

Teaching hospitals give students hands-on learning

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