Dr. Vishnu Prasad S
PhD Publication coordinator
Activities of PhD Publication Cell
As of January 2022, there are more than 130 PhD research scholars across various pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical departments of Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. These students are guided by faculty of different specialties of KMC, Manipal. The PhD Publication Cell aids the PhD students of KMC, Manipal in strengthening their skills needed to publish their research work in reputed journals. In this regard, the cell has been regularly organizing “PhD Lecture Series” since the past few years. Experienced faculty researchers from KMC, Manipal and other sister institutes of MAHE are invited to share their knowledge and experience with the PhD students. Feedback is also obtained from PhD students on the topics which may be included for discussion in the PhD Lecture Series.
Various topics related to Publications, Statistics and Ethics are discussed in these sessions. Some of the topics addressed in the recent sessions include: “PhD in MAHE – Rules and Responsibilities” by Dr. Shalini Adiga; “Rules and Procedures concerning Ethical review of Research” by Dr. Rajeshkrishna Bhandary P; “Statistics for the beginners: An insight into study design, sample size and basic statistical tools” by Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Pandey; “Thesis writing” by Dr. Shivananda Nayak; “Nuts and Bolts of making a good manuscript” by Dr. Anju Shukla; “Best Practices for publishing Research work in a Journal of Repute” by Dr. Girisha M Katta; “The art of writing a Scientific Review article” by Dr. Dinesh Upadhyaya; “Art and Science of Review Writing” by Dr. Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay; “Information Resources for Medical Research” by Mr. Shivananda K Bhat; “Impact factor and beyond – The choice of a Journal for Publication” by Ms. Sheeba P; “Case Series and Case Reports: Do's and Dont's” by Dr. Akhila Vasudeva; “Research Ethics in COVID Era” by Dr. Mary Mathews; “Best Practices for Research Data Management/Handling” by Dr. Chandni Gupta and “Human Biological Samples for Research Do's and Dont's" by Dr. Sushma Belurkar. Sessions where in some faculty who share their experience of doing PhD in Health Sciences in MAHE are also included.
Some of the focus areas of PhD research at KMC, Manipal are: Acute Kidney Injury, Alcohol Dependence, Antimicrobial Resistance, Antimicrobial Stewardship, Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, Breast Cancer, Cadaver embalming, Chronic Kidney Disease, Clinical Embryology, Cost effective rapid screening methods, Dyslipidemia, Flatfoot Deformity, Gut Microbiome, Hepatitis E, Hereditary Cancers, Human Papilloma Virus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Ischaemic Stroke, Leptospirosis, Malaria, Medical Genetics, Melioidosis, Molecular Neuroscience, Osteogenesis in fetuses, Pain Management, Peripheral Nerve Imaging, Schizophrenia, Scrub Typhus, Sepsis, Snake Venom, Stereotactic radiotherapy, Tobacco use, Tuberculosis etc.
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