

Newly introduced, full-time, 2-year (4 semesters) postgraduate program that offers in-depth training in diverse areas of mammalian development such as reproductive physiology, embryogenesis, implantation, contraception, reproductive toxicology, and teratology. The course involves interactive lectures, group discussions, open electives, one-to-one training, exposure to cutting-edge techniques, journal discussions, and regular interactions with eminent scientists of international repute. Students also have the opportunity to experience cutting-edge research on the fundamental aspects of developmental biology. Industry academia partnership allows students to avail of internship opportunities that will prepare them to take up cutting-edge industry-oriented research. The candidates will have a variety of next-step destinations such as higher studies for doctoral degree (Ph.D.), a scientific officer in industries/pharmaceutical companies/R&D laboratories, or academic positions. Campus selection will be organized to provide enough placement opportunities to students. The course is provided under Division of Clinical Embryology, Department of Reproductive Science, KMC, Manipal.

Course structure:

Semester I

Semester II

Basic Cell Biology and Fundamentals of Reproductive Biology

Conception and Contraception, Reproductive Toxicology

Semester III

Semester IV

Development Biology and Teratology

Research Project and Internship


Key Dates & Deadlines


Mar 15 25

Mar ' 25

Last date to Apply


Tentative Course Commencement Date


2 years (4 semesters)


The Department of Neurology has EEG/ENMG Labs.

Libraries have excellent resources for reference and study

Teaching hospitals give students hands-on learning