Dr. Sneha Deepak Mallya
Associate Professor
Reg. No. : 79236
Department of Community Medicine
- Is involved in departmental research projects.
- Motivates and guides undergraduate students in research projects.
- Facilitates working of Rural Maternity and Child Welfare Centre, Kaup as Centre in charge.
- Member, Board of Studies for the year 2014-15.
- Staff advisor, Social Welfare Committee, KMC Manipal
Dr Sneha Deepak Mallya teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Community Medicine | 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th semester |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MD | Community Medicine | Kasturba Medical College, Manipal | 2012 |
MBBS | Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore | 2008 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
KMC Manipal | Associate Professor | ||
KMC, Manipal | Assistant Professor | ||
KMC, Manipal | Tutor cum PG | 2009 to 2012 |
Screening for Human Papilloma Virus and other DNA virus infections of the cervix among tribal women in Southern India
Co-investigator in the ICMR funded project
Area of Interest
Infectious Disease Epidemiology , Maternal and Child Health, Adolescent health
Area of Research
Infectious Disease , Adolescent Health
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Active member of Karnataka Association of Community Health, 2010.
- Life member of Indian Medical Association: Udupi-Karavali
Study of clinical profile and antibiotic sensitivity in paratyphoid fever cases admitted at teaching hospital in South India
2012-01-07 Pandit V Kumar A Kulkarni MM Pattanshetty SM Samarasinghe C Kamath S (Sneha Deepak Mallya)
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Attitude towards euthanasia in a tertiary care hospital in South India: a cross sectional study
2011-01-09 Kamath S(Sneha Deepak Mallya) Bhate P Mathew G Sashidharan S Daniel AB
Indian J Palliat Care
Are our women aware of HIV/AIDS? A cross sectional study
2010-01-01 Shetty RS Pattanshetty S Kamath A Kamath S(Sneha Deepak Mallya)
Mass drug administration to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in Southern India
2010-01-01 Pattanshetty S Kumar A Kumar R Rao CR Badiger S Rashmi R Kamath S(Sneha Deepak Mallya)
Problem of Breast cancer in South India - A Record based study
2010-01-01 Sabu KM Pattanshetty S Darshan BB Kamath S(Sneha Deepak Mallya))
A study on awareness regarding Hepatitis B infection and vaccination among medical students
2010-01-01 Shetty RS Pattanshetty S Kamath S(Sneha Deepak Mallya)) Harrison P
Knowledge and Attitude about HIV/AIDS among medical students in a private medical college in coastal Karnataka
2014-01-01 Kini S Mallya SD Kamath VG Kamath A Coondoo A Iyer KV Sujayendra D Murali SD
A cross sectional study on relational behaviours among male adolescents
2012-01-01 Ganitya Bhusan Bhuyan
2011-12, 4 semester The main objective of the study was to analyse the familial relationship of male adolescents with the parents, perception of male adolescents regarding the environment at home and the attitude towards and influence of friends, school and school teachers. From this study, we conclude that a higher proportion of male adolescents are closer to their mothers compared to their fathers. Among the male adolescents, 89.1% had at least one close friend. At least 90% of students enjoyed their school and had many good friends at school. Majority of students (71.9%) reported that they could seek advice from at least one teacher at school whenever they have problem. Majority of the students showed positive attitude in school. An overall positive association of male adolescents with parents, family members, friends and school teachers was observed in the present study. Further studies can be done to know the reasons for such attitudes of the male adolescents.