- Incharge of Mycobacteriology Diagnostic Division of Microbiology.
- Teacher guardian for UG Students.
Dr Vishnu Prasad S teaches postgraduate and undergraduate students.
He is:
Subject | Semester / Year |
Microbiology | 3rd, 4th and 5th semester |
Microbiology |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD | MIcrobiology | Kasturba Medical College, Manipal | 2009 |
MSc | Microbiology | Kasturba Medical College, Manipal | 1996 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
KMC, Manipal | Associate Professor | 2013 till date | |
KMC, Manipal | Selection Grade Lecturer | 2008 to 2013 | |
KMC, Manipal | Senior Grade Lecturer | 2003 to 2008 | |
KMC, Manipal | Lecturer | 1997 to 2003 |
Induction of resistance to fluoroquinolones in clinical and environmental isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2007-01-01 Mamatha Ballal PG Shivananda
Induction of resistance to fluoroquinolones in clinical and environmental isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Indian J Pathol Microbiol, 2007. An attempt to induce resistance to ciprofloxacin in vitro was made against clinical and environmental isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This in vitro manipulation of strains resulted in the increase of minimum inhibitory concentration from 0.4 microg/ml to 1 microg/ml of the original strains to 9.0 to12.5 microg/ml indicating development of resistance to ciprofloxacin and a major decrease in the size of zone diameters of norfloxacin and ofloxacin indicating cross resistance to these agents. Results indicate the induced resistance to ciprofloxacin can promote development of cross resistance to other fluoroquinolones. This suggests that caution should be taken while using fluoroquinolones for the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections.
Paraffin Baiting system for demonstration of Growth and Biofilm in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Mamatha Ballal PG Shivananda
Paraffin baiting system for demonstration of growth and biofilm production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Indian J Exp Biol, 2007. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the commonest pathogens among the pseudomonads. This organism can grow in minimal nutritional requirements. Because of the ability of pseudomonads to grow on paraffin is not commonly found among other human pathogens and the primary human pathogen being P. aeruginosa, we studied the adaptation of this organism to paraffin baiting system for growth and biofilm formation. Strains were tested for the capacity to use paraffin as the sole source of carbon using Czapek's minimal salt medium. Of the 53 clinical isolates of P aeruginosa, 20 strains exhibited growth by 24 hrs and 42 strains by 48 hrs. The remaining strains did not show any growth in the paraffin baiting system. The oxidase test with the paraffin baiting system was also performed. This simple and inexpensive method can be used to isolate and demonstrate the biochemical and biofilm forming capacity of the organism.
Modified fish meal extract agar: a new medium for the selective isolation of pseudomonas aeruginosa –a preliminary report
2009-01-01 Mamatha Ballal PG Shivananda Prasad V
Modified fish meal extract agar, A new medium for the selective isolation of pseudomonas aeruginosa- A preliminary report, JIMSA. A new bacteriological medium Modified Fish Meal Extract A (FMEA) gar was tested for its efficacy in promoting the growth of P aeruginosa normally encountered in clinical specimens. 50 specimens each of sputum, pus and urine were cultured on Modified Fish Meal Extract Agar and the results were compared with normal Nutrient agar and Blood agar. There was 100% conformity in the results compared with the other selective media for Pseudomonas aerugin osa. One of the greatest advantages of this Modified FMEA was that no other organisms grew in culture other than Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Conclusion - The cost of consumable materials used in the preparation of fish meal extract agar being simple and cheap, this medium can be used successfully in the routine culture work for the isolation of Pseudomonas aeurginosa from clinical specimens like sputum.
Action of heavy metals on Pseudomonas aeruginosa from infected wounds
2009-01-01 Mamatha Ballal PG Shivananda
Action of heavy metals on Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from infected wounds, Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine, 2009. Objective - A study was undertaken to examine the effects of the heavy metals arsenic, silver, nickel cobalt cadmium lead and mercury on Pseudomonas aemginosa isolated from infected wounds. Methods Fifty strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were tested against the heavy metals like arsenic, silver, nickel cobalt cadmium lead and mercury by an agar dilution method. Of the metals used Pseudomonas aemginosa strains were found to be exhibiting high susceptibility to the heavy metal ions. Results and Conclusion - The overall susceptibility patterns of the strains were similar to all 6 heavy metal ions arsenic, nickel cobalt cadmium lead and mercury. Two strains were found to be showing resistance against the silver ions which were isolated from the burns wound infection.
Slime production a virulence marker in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from clinical and environmental specimens, A comparative study of two methods
PG Shivananda Mamatha Ballal
Slime production a virulence marker in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from clinical and environmental specimens, A comparative study of two methods, Indian J Pathol Microbiol, 2009. Detection of slime in Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be useful in understanding the virulence of this organism. Here, comparative studies of two phenotypic methods using the tube method and the spectrophotometric method for slime production from 100 clinically and 21 environmentally significant isolates of P aeruginosa were performed. A total of 68 isolates were positive by either of the tests whereas only 34 were positive by both the tests. The tube method detected slime significantly in more number of isolates than the spectrophotometric method. The tube test was found to be superior to the spectrophotometric method in ease of performance, interpretation and sensitivity. Among the clinical isolates, systemic isolates produce less slime compared to wound, respiratory and urinary isolates. Isolates from the hospital environment produced more slime indicating that this virulence marker helps the organism to survive for longer periods and cause nosocomial infections.
Honey as an Antimicrobial Agent Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa isolated from Infected Wounds
2012-01-06 Mamatha Ballal PG Shivananda
J Glob Infect Dis, 2012 Apr-Jun. Background - As natural products garner attention in the medical field due to emergence of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, honey is valued for its antibacterial activity. Objective - Fifty strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from infected wounds were evaluated for their antibacterial action using honey in comparison with different antibiotics and Dettol. Methodology and Results - All the strains were found to be sensitive to honey at a minimum inhibitory concentration of 20% in comparison with Dettol at 10% using agar dilution method. In the second step, the time kill assay was performed on five isolates of P aeruginosa to demonstrate the bactericidal activity of honey at different dilutions of honey ranging from 20% to 100% at regular time intervals. All the isolates of P. aeruginosa tested were killed in 12-24 h depending on the dilutions of the honey tested. Thus, honey could prevent the growth of P. aeruginosa even if it was diluted by deionized water by fivefolds in vitro. Honey had almost uniform bactericidal activity against P. aeruginosa irrespective of their susceptibility to different classes of antibiotics. Conclusion - Honey which is a natural, non-toxic, and an inexpensive product has activity against the P. aeruginosa isolated from infected wounds may make it an alternative topical choice in the treatment of wound infections.
Diabetes mellitus and HIV as co-morbidities in tuberculosis patients of rural south India
Soham Gupta Indira Bairy Hiresave Srinivasa Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay
JIPH, 2011. Objectives -Incidence of tuberculosis (TB) is greatest among patients with impaired immunity. India is experiencing a double epidemic of HIV and diabetes mellitus (DM), both of which are strongly associated with immuno-suppression. This study aimed to discover the prevalence of HIV and DM in both the pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB patients of rural south India, retrospectively. Methods - Medical records of 192 microbiologically diagnosed pulmonary TB and 37 extra-pulmonary TB patients were thoroughly studied and data were extracted. The frequency distribution of HIV and DM was evaluated along with other demographic details such as age, sex and occupation in both groups. Results - The mean age of the pulmonary TB patients was 41.11 ± 15.7 years, with significantly higher (p < 0.0001) preponderance of DM (31.8%) over HIV (8.9%). 72.13% of the diabetic patients belonged to the age group of 41–60 years. Extra-pulmonary TB patients had a mean age of 34.62 ± 12.9, years with a significantly higher (p < 0.006) HIV prevalence of 32.43% over DM (5.4%). 75% of the HIV patients belonged to the age group of 41–60 years. Occupationally, the majority of the pulmonary TB patients were agricultural labourers (25.2%) while the majority of the extra-pulmonary TB patients were housewives or self-employed (18.92%). Conclusion - Though more importance is being given to HIV-TB co-infection, we cannot overlook DM, which showed a significantly higher prevalence in pulmonary TB patients compared to HIV. The rising prevalence of DM in high TB burden countries may adversely affect TB control.
Comparative evaluation of two cold staining methods with the ziehl-neelsen method for the diagnosis of tuberculosis
2009-01-01 Gupta S Prasad V Bairy I Muralidharan S
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 2009. In developing countries pulmonary tuberculosis is usually diagnosed by detecting acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in sputum using a Ziehl-Neelsen (Z-N) staining method. However, in the field the traditional method of staining is difficult to carry out. This study evaluates the efficiency of two cold staining methods, namely Gabbet’s and a modified two reagent cold staining method compared with the Z-N taken as the gold standard. Triplicate smears were prepared from 267 sputum samples and stained by the Z-N, Gabbet’s, and a modified cold staining method, the smears were positive for AFB in 21 (7.87%), 18 (6.74%) and 19 (7.12%), respectively. The sensitivities for the Gabbet’s and modified cold stain were 85.7% and 90.5%, respectively. The positive agreement between the Z-N and Gabbet’s (92.3%) and Z-N and modified cold stain (95%) were good. The modified cold staining method was less time consuming and easier to perform in the field.
Tuberculosis Pericarditis - A Case Report and Review of Literature
2010-01-01 Shashidhar V Indira Bairy Padma Kumar R
Tuberculosis Pericarditis - A Case Report and Review of Literature, Review of Global Medicine and Health Care Research. Tuberculosis pericarditis is a rare, but life threatening form of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis and accounts for approximately 4% of acute pericarditis and 7% of cardiac tamponade cases. Mortality due to tuberculosis pericarditis can reach up to 40%. High index of suspicion amongst the treating clinicians supplemented with prompt diagnosis and treatment can reduce the high mortality associated with this disease. We report a case of a young adult male patient who presented with a 2 month history of productive cough and breathlessness of recent onset. Preliminary diagnosis of tuberculosis pericarditis based on his clinical and radiological findings was confirmed with Ziehl-Neelsen’s stain for acid fast bacilli and culture of the pericardial fluid aspirate. The patient responded well to pericardiocentesis and subsequent anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy.
Area of Interest
Area of Expertise
Area of Research
Drug Resistance , Ant tubercular Activity of Newer Chemical Compounds and Medicinal Plants , Automation in Screening AFB Smears
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life Member of IAMM KC, 2011.
- Life Member of Union Member, 2010.
Battling the odds an assessment of relevance of sputum sample examination in patients with tubercular pleural effusion
2014-01-01 Amruta Nair
Fifth semester
Pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetes mellitus patients in a tertiary care hospital south India - a case control study
2014-01-01 Ashwini Kumar.
Fifth semester
Effects of selective medicinal plants against multi drug resistance mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, bernaites
Culture isolation of mycobacterium tuberculosis from clinical specimens using various Type of LJ media compared with the conventional LJ medium
2014-01-01 Varsha, Kimmi
Decontamination process in detection mycobacterium tuberculosis: in search of better method
2014-01-01 Mohammed Yousuff
Comparative evaluation of two cold staining methods with the ziehl-neelsen method for the diagnosis of tuberculosis
2014-01-01 Soham Gupta
Relevance of sputum examination in patients suspected with tuberculosis pleural effusion
2014-01-01 Sudipta
Antibacterial effect of triphala against common wound pathogens
2014-01-01 Asha Patil Kusumakshi Nayak
Smear Microscopy and Culture Positive rates among the HIV co infected patients suspected of pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis - STS
2014-01-01 Pushpak N
Smear Microscopy and Culture Positive rates among the HIV co infected patients suspected of pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis - STS. 5th semester MBBS student