Distinguished Lecture Series Phase III
October 27, 2017

Inauguration of the program on 09 September 2017, Interact 3d
In the Inaugural Function, Registrar, Manipal University, Dr. Narayana Sabahit has graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Dr. KK Srinivasan, Former Professor& Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University as a guest of honor and first lecture of the program
Welcoming the Chief Guest and other dignitaries, MCHP Dean Dr. B. Rajashekar presented the welcome address and narrated the development of the MLT department.
Overview of the lecture series given by Dr. Saleena U, HOD, Department of MLT
Chief Guest was introduced by Mr. Vivek Raghavan, Asst.Professor, Department of MLT.
Chief Guest appreciated the successes of the previous two lecture series and mention the importance of lecture series to acquire knowledge from the expert speakers.
Dear Dean sir presented a memento as a token of love.
Invocation by Miss Vaishnavi BSc MLT Intern and master of the ceremony Miss Aneena Varghese

First lecture by Dr. KK Srinivasan, Former Professor& Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry , College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University
Topic “Therapeutically significant antioxidants and their estimation- out comes from original research.”
The inaugural program was successful with 125 participants.

Second lecture:
Speaker of the DR. Ashok Prabhu , Associate Professor In Biochemistry, KMC Mangalore,
Sir was introduced by Ms. Aneena Varghese. Over view on this program by our beloved Dean Dr. B Rajashekar. Master of the ceremony Ms. Marzieh Negar.
Vote of thanks given by program co ordinator Dr. Saritha Kamath U.
Around 125 student and faculty participated and gained the knowledge.

Third lecture:
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences conducted third lecture of Distinguished Lecture Series III 2017-18, “Clinical Laboratory Research – an integrated approach with science and technology” on 28th November 2017 at 10.30 AM in Interact 3b. Resource person for the event Dr. Poornima Ajay Manjrekar, Professor and Head Department of Biochemistry, KMC, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher education, Manipal, delivered the talk on “Insulin Resistance- Pathophysiology and implications”. The talk was very much research oriented. Her waste and deep knowledge in the field of insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus made the presentation very much interesting and beneficial. Students from our department and Chyavana Institute of Paramedical Science, Udupi participated actively and enjoyed this session of gaining and updating the knowledge in the topic insulin resistance.

Fourth lecture:
Perpectual challenge of emerging infectious diseases : preparing for the unexpected.
The incidence of emerging infectious diseases in humans has increased within the recent past or threatens to increase in the near future. Dr. Ciraj A.M, Professor of Microbiology, MMMC, Director, M-FAIMER international institute, MAHE, Manipal was conducted a session on Perpectual challenge of emerging infectious diseases : preparing for the unexpected.
in interact 3A on 28/02/2018. Prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases will increasingly require the application of sophisticated epidemiologic and molecular biologic technologies, changes in human behaviour, a national policy on early detection and rapid response to emerging infections and a plan of action. WHO has made several recommendations for national response mechanisms. However, for a country of size and population of India, the emerging infections remain a real and present danger. Likewise, the talk delivered by Dr. Ciraj AM created an awareness among our delegates to be prepared for the emerging infectious diseases.
Fifth lecture:
Distinguished Lecture Series III last talk was given by Dr. Dhananjaya Kekude, Associate professor in Physics, and faculty in charge of Innovation center, from MIT MAHE, Manipal on Scanning Electron Microscope: Imaging with electrons. Scanning Electron Microscope is one of the microscopic techniques that provides image of a specimen by probing electrons on the surface of specimen. Delegates were able to understand the myths behind the electron microscope. The talk was really remarkable that we could unravel the hidden principles behind electron microscopic principle.
Sisth lecture:
Role of clinical laboratory technology in medical device development was conducted in interact 4D on 29/03/2018 by Dr. V S Venkatesan, Professor, Dept of Biomedical Engg. MIT, MAHE. As the roles of medical laboratory technologists evolve in response to technologic advances and constraints it becomes essential to define the job competencies and responsibilities of each. The talk has provided a detailed structure about the development of medical devices. Sample devices brought by Dr Venkatesan has really entertained the delegates.