Forty-three students from various institutions of MAHE attended the workshop and learnt about the causes, myths and realities, assessment, management of self-harm and innovative relaxation techniques. Eminent speakers, Dr. Samir Praharaj, Professor & HoD, Mr. Praveen Jain, Assist. Professor, Psychiatry Dept, KMC, Mr.Renjulal, Asst. Professor, MCON and Dr. Sharmila, Life Coach and Medical Writer delivered the sessions for the day. Dr. Binil V, Asst. Professor, MCON delivered the vote of thanks.
Mrs. Asha K Nayak and Mrs. Savitha, Asst. Professors, MCON, gave a health talk show on Muktha television regarding “Suicide: Causes and Prevention”. The show was telecasted on 10.09.2019 at 3:00 pm.
To conclude, an overall coordinated effort was made to generate awareness and sensitise the general public, pre-university students and MAHE students regarding prevention of suicide.