October 31, 2021
Title of talk: Instrumentation in Energy and Condition Monitoring
By: Mr. Akshay Kinhal, Senior Engineer and Energy Analyst, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions, Bengaluru
Date: 29, October 2021 (Online – MS Teams)
Attendees: 105 students and faculties
Energy monitoring, analysis and conditioning has a potential to inspire the world towards a better smart energy solution in terms of sustainable energy, energy expenditure, business, environmental performance and reducing the carbon footprint. The knowledge of benefits of energy monitoring and measurement instruments available for energy monitoring, leveraging the use of these instruments for automation and control are required. In addition, the advantages of condition monitoring and its instrumentation (vibration sensors, RH and temperature, pressure, etc.) for general applications are to be known. The current trends with respect to instrumentation will help to bridge the technology gaps thereby provide optimum and improved solutions in future. Fundamentals of energy meter, advancement and current industry improvements with IOT etc are conveyed. Two case study of energy management conditioning and solutions are discussed, and relevant software tools and knowledge are delivered.