Guest lecture by Dr. Prakash NS organized by Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, MCOPS
December 19, 2022
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, MCOPS organized its second guest lecture of 2022 online on 19 December 2022. Dr. Prakash NS, Principal Scientist - Research and Development, Himalaya Wellness Company, Makali, Bengaluru, delivered the guest lecture on “Analysis of Herbal Ingredients and products-Opportunities and its challenges”. Dr. Prakash is an expert in the analysis of herbal products. He discussed various methodologies involved in the analysis of herbal products giving importance to HPTLC and HPLC methods. He quoted various examples where he and his team at Himalaya had analyzed a number of herbal ingredients in herbal products using HPTLC and HPLC methods. Around 45 participants which included PG Students, research scholars, and faculty of the department attended the talk and got benefited from his lecture. Dr.Jeyaprakash.RS, Associate Prof. Dept. of Pharm Chemistry was the master of the ceremony of this event, who also introduced the speaker to the audience and a vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Aravind Pai, Asst. Prof. (Selection Grade). The event was organized and coordinated by the HOD, Dr. Suvarna G Kini.