Continuing pharmacist education programme on practicing pharmacy
September 03, 2018

Continuing Pharmacist education (CPE) Program on “Practicing pharmacy” for community pharmacists was jointly organized by Department of Pharmacy Practice and Centre for Toxicovigilance and Drug safety in association with Drug Control Department, Udupi and Udupi District Chemist and Druggist Association at Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Science (MCOPS), Manipal on 1 September 2018. The goal of the CPE was to promote the knowledge of pharmacists to fulfill their duties towards patients and the community.
CPE was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Sri. K V Nagraj, Assistant Drug Controller Udupi and Guest of honor, Sri Manohar Shetty, Managing Director, Sri Sai Radha groups in the presence of Dr. C Mallikarjuna Rao, Principal, MCOPS; and Dr. Mahadev Rao, Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS. Dr Mallikarjuna in his opening remarks said about the journey of the pharmacy profession in India. Sri Manohar Shetty in his inaugural address said, ‘There is always scope for learning and scope for improvement, make a change and do things differently to show your importance as a pharmacist.’ Sri. K V Nagraj delivered a key note address on ‘Responsibilities of pharmacists in the community.’ Lectures covered a broad range of topics including practicing pharmacy, medication errors and counterfeit menace by Dr Mahadev Rao, Dr. Surulivel Rajan M (Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice) and Dr. Girish Pai (Assistant professor-Selection grade, Department of Pharmaceutics).
Dr. Mahadev Rao and Dr.Girish Thunga, Assistant professor (Selection grade), Department of Pharmacy Practice co-ordinated the program. Over 140 pharmacists attended the program from various parts of Udupi