Sushil Raut, research scholar in the department of pharmaceutics visited National Chiayi University, Taiwan
October 16, 2018

Sushil Raut visited National Chiayi University (NCU), Chiayi City, Taiwan for two months to pursue his research work in the area of nano-pharmaceuticals. Sushil worked under the guidance of Dr. Hsin-I Chang, department of biochemical science and technology, NCU. In addition to this, he got an opportunity to work at stem cell research laboratory of National Defence Medical Centre (NDMC), Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei and at Taiwan National University, Taipei. Mr Raut received a fellowship from NCU for his visit. Currently, Sushil is pursuing his PhD under the guidance of Dr Srinivas Mutalik, professor, department of pharmaceutics, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MAHE, Manipal.