Lupin research scientist talks on attrition rates in drug discovery
August 14, 2016

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, MCOPS organized a talk on 13 August 2016 in the Dr P Gundu Rao Conference Hall of MCOPS. Mr. Umakant Ashok Bahirat, Research Scientist, Department of Pharmacology-Novel Drug Discovery and Development Lupin Limited (Research Park), Pune was the resource person and delivered a talk titled “Drug Discovery: A Challenge”. The talk was organized as a part of curriculum enrichment program and was attended by postgraduate students and faculty members. Mr. Bahirat explained the challenges faced by scientists in different stages of drug discovery. The talk also focused on the types of biomarkers and their importance in drug discovery. Dr G Gautham Shenoy, Head, Pharmaceutical Chemistry welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker. Dr. M Sreeenivasa Reddy, Vice-Principal presented a memento to the speaker. Following the guest lecture, Mr. Umakant Ashok Bahirat interacted with the postgraduate students of Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. The speaker answered the queries raised by the students with regard to future prospects and competencies that students must possess. The career opportunities that are available to the students was explained by the speaker. Mr. Bahirat urged the students, the need to have industry preparedness. Mr. Umakant also held discussion with the faculty members of the department of Pharmaceutical chemistry regarding the syllabus content of postgraduate program in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. He gave valuable suggestions regarding the topics that may be included in the syllabus.