Orientation programme for new post-graduate students
August 05, 2016

Dr H S Ballal, Pro-Chancellor of Manipal Academy of Higher Education congratulated the new MPharm, PharmD post baccalaureate students and parents for choosing Manipal as their destination, during the orientation on 4 August 2016. Such was his message, that the students were inspired not to be book worms; rather strike the perfect balance between curricular and co-curricular activities, essential for an overall development. Dr C Mallikarjuna Rao, principal, MCOPS emphasized the need to create a vital workforce to meet the requirements of pharmaceutical industries, in his welcome speech. With his dedicated faculty, Dr Rao was positive about fostering the skills of the students to accept challenges of Indian pharmaceutical business. He presented the list of impact factor publications which were the results of MPharm and PhD projects. After introduction of faculty members and students, there was a session on ‘paper-less exam’, one of its kind in the country, which would be commencing this year. The programme concluded with a visit to their respective specialization departments in the afternoon.