Universal education more important than literacy, says Prof Hiregange on National Education Day
November 14, 2016

National Education Day was celebrated at MCOPS on 11 November 2016. This day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, the first education minister of independent India. An inspirational talk by the Director of Gandhian and Peace Studies, Professor Varadesh Hiregange spanned through the eras to discuss the birth and development of education in India. Prof. Hiregange deliberated on the evolution of education system in India including the era of Nalanda and Takshashila and focused more on modern education starting from the Charter Act of 1813 and progression of universities in India. He emphasized on the importance of good teaching practices and an upsurge in the quality of students. He added that there is a need for an argument against dominance of a single language: foreign or domestic. He advised the young generation to focus on universal education rather than on universal literacy. He stressed on the importance of learning heart fully, using one’s mind to understand and use skills to excel. Prof. Hiregange concluded by exhorting the youth of today to be a part of the education policy making process and to participate actively in our democracy. Dr K B Koteshwara, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmaceutics co-ordinated the program.