Research Orientation
August 25, 2016
A one day program on Research Orientation was organized by Innovative Communication Club (I2C), Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences on 24 August. Dr. Yogendra Nayak, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, was the faculty coordinator for the event. Chief Guest, Dr N Udupa (Research Director - Health Sciences) and Guest of Honour, Dr C Mallikarjuna Rao (Principal, MCOPS) inaugurated the program. Dr Rao exhorted the need for conducting quality research by post-graduate students and faculty members. Similarly, echoed Dr N Udupa when he addressed the gathering on the current aspects and challenges in the field of research. Dr M K Unnikrishnan, Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice, emphasized the need and initial steps in the development of an idea. His words truly reflected the qualities and attitude of an independent researcher. Professor Unnikrishnan explained various facets of plagiarism and its consequences. Techniques for carrying out literature search was highlighted by Dr Yogendra Nayak in his talk. Various databases, journals and publishers were explained by Dr Nayak. He demonstrated the facilities provided by Health Sciences Library, Manipal Academy of Higher Education. Inspite of meticulous work, researchers at times, fail to prove their hypotheses, be it in trials or publishing their research. All these aspects were touched upon by Dr. Gautham Shenoy, Head, Department of Pharm. Chemistry, in his talk on the art of documenting the research findings. The post-lunch session started off with application of the ideology and knowledge given in the morning session. The art of writing a research article in various reputed journals was demonstrated in a lucid way by Dr Yogendra Nayak. He explained the steps involved in manuscript submission, till publication. Referencing styles with available software to aid bibliography was demonstrated by Dr Nayak. The program concluded with Dr. Virendra S. Ligade’s talk. He is a teaching faculty in Department of Pharma. Management. Even a good research idea is poorly understood when presentation skills fail was the take home message from Dr Ligade. Over 150 post-graduate students, research scholars and faculty members attended the research orientation program.