Academic Student Collaboration Series- 1
Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal and Department of Nursing, Edge Hill University, UK organized Academic Student Collaboration Series- 1 on “Clinical experience during COVID 19 Pandemic” on 25 March 2021 between 3.30-5.30 pm through MS Teams Virtual Platform.
Dr Toni Bewley, Senior Learning & Teaching Fellow Lead (TEF), EdgeHill University and Dr Daisy Josephine Lobo, Associate Professor, MCON briefed regarding the professional body regulations for student clinical postings during COVID 19 Pandemic in UK and India respectively.
Ms Vinitha Rosa Monis, Ms Aksa David, third year BSc nursing, MCON and Kristy D-Cain, Lauren McCusker 3rd year Nursing, EdgeHill University shared their perspectives regarding the topic.
Common experiences shared from the Indian perspective were focussed mainly on how COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the clinical and practical learning, changes that were brought in the theory and practical sessions, different measures that were taken by the faculty to give maximum clinical exposure as well as some of the challenges faced by the students and the faculty during this Covid pandemic era.
Students from EdgeHill University shared their experience regarding working in a Covid Red ward taking care of the patients and assisting the registered nurses and the emotional toll it took on them while caring for the severely ill patients and how they overcame the challenges with the support of their family and colleagues during the peak of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Ms Sandra Mariam and Ms Kezia Mariam from 3rd year BSc Nursing, MCON, MAHE, Manipal moderated the session. A total of 182 students from both MAHE and Edgehill University participated in this event
March 26, 2021
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