Report of State level Disaster management training
The Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) Manipal in collaboration with Bharath Scouts and Guides, Karnataka, Udupi District association conducted emergency first aid training for the rangers and rovers on 30th July 2016 from 2- 5pm at Dr. V.S. Acharya Bharath Scouts and Guides Training Centre Pragathinagar, Alevoor, Udupi.
August 01, 2016

From all over Karnataka 200 students attended the programme.In the initial part Mrs. Melita Sheilini, Asst.Professor-Selection Grade, MCON highlighted the importance of first aid, its scope and limitations. She also discussed on the first aid for joint injuries, burns and scalds, frost bite, heat stroke and loss of consciousness with emphasis on how to provide Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the recovery position. Followed by this Mr.Anil Raj A, Coordinator, ICMR funded Geriatric project, MCON Manipal discussed on the areas of first aid for wounds and bleeding, poisoning, dog bite, snakebite, epistaxis and eye injuries. As the last part, Mr. Vinish V, Lecturer, MCON Manipal stressed on the first aid measures for the fractured victim with focus on improvising the locally available things for immobilizing the fractured site. The students actively participated and raised questions which were clarified by the resource persons.