International Faculty delegation from University of Stavanger Norway
October 29, 2024
Professor Ingrid Tjoflåt International Academic Coordinator; Torunn Strømme, Associate Professor and study program leader for the Bachelor of Nursing program, Janne Gabrielle Hunsbeth, Assistant Professor, responsible for exchange students at the Master program in Midwifery, Magdalena Brekke- International Coordinator from University of Stavanger Norway, visited Manipal College of Nursing MAHE Manipal from 21/10/2024 to 25/10/2024.
The international faculty interacted with Dr Sharath Rao, Pro Vice-chancellor Health Science of MAHE, Dr Anup Naha, Director, Office of International, MAHE, Dr Judith A Noronha, Dean Manipal College of Nursing, and all the heads of the departments of Manipal College of Nursing. They have explored the opportunities for students and faculty mobility, collaborative knowledge and skill sharing, research and funding opportunities. They have visited KH Hospital Manipal, department of Ayurveda, Yoga, Hombelaku and ASARE rehabilitation center, Access Life – Home for Children, Primary Health center, Hirebettu, and Dr TMA Pai Karkala Rotary Hospital, Karkala.
Professor Ingrid also conducted an interactive session on supervision and evaluation of Nursing students at University of Stavanger on October 24 2024, which was very informative and useful. On the same day the results of Mentorship Collaborative project between Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal and the University Stavanger which was submitted earlier this year, were announced and Professor Ingrid announced that our project application is approved for funding. This provides a great opportunity for training, and Mobility of students, staff and staff nurses from both the countries. This collaborative efforts is linked to the SDG 4 quality education and SDG 17 Partnership goals.
Their programme and the project is coordinated by Dr Shashidhara YN Professor and Head Department of Community Health Nursing, International Students Coordinator, Internationalization Pillar members under the guidance of Dr Judith A Noronha, Dean Manipal College of Nursing with the support of from office of International MAHE Manipal.